Mermaids and Dragons

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"What is her name? How long has she been gone?" I fired off answers to my two helpers the next day. After the big reveal of his soul mate yesterday, I came to the realization that I no longer understood Zeddicus' angle or plan. I mean I never truly believed I understood it completely but at least I thought I comprehended a few things. Like for one, he wanted me because with my powers, he could do real damage to a lot of people. Now, I was debating whether his plan was simply based off that or did it have to do with the fact that I resembled a slightly lighter version of the woman that was taken away from him. Was he a little crazy and believed that I was somehow her?

I have always realized I was screwed, I just never realized I was screwed this much until that revealing.

Niet's blue furrowed eyebrows mirrored my expression that I had been wearing for the entire morning. "Wait, so his soulmate looked like you?"

"I mean give or take a few things, but the eerie resemblance is getting to me! Neither of you saw her?"

Marjani shook her head, the jeweled tentacles of her hair swayed with her movements. "No, we have only been here for a few years. I'm sure that happened decades ago."

"This is bad." I breathed out.


"Because Marjani, this goes deeper than the commander just wanting her as a weapon and a lover! He sees his dead soulmate in her. This may be obsession, the crazy kind, not the let's-battle-it-out-on-the-field-to-the-death-to-see-who-is-worthy kind like back at my home!" Niet flung her hands in the air, a small growl rumbling in her chest as the epiphany.

My fingers came up and pulled at the white collar around my neck, a nervous habit I had adopted. "There's nothing I can do. I am truly stuck."

"Eh, this may be in your best interest, girl." My sullen expression contrasted greatly from Niet's optimistic one. "He loved that girl, right? And he sees her in you, maybe? Favoritism is your best friend now. You've been very docile for a while, he thinks he still has the power and control. With you acting 'good', it may mean more favoritism."

Chewing on my lip as I listened to Niet, while also trying to stay afloat in the hopeless river that was once only a stream, I began nodding slowly. "I think I see your point, but what does that mean for mean to win his favoritism?"

"I don't know." Niet shrugged. "But you can definitely figure it out."

Marjani stayed quiet but nodded never the less.

"Zeddicus does not wish to see you today, so you are free to do what you want. We simply came here to check up on you." Marjani smiled. "We'll be making our departure soon, so you have the day to yourself."

"If I was you, I would do a little exploring." Niet's tone was suggestive as she winked as me.

Marjani shot her a sour expression while she followed her to the door. "You'll get her in trouble."

"I'll do no so thing. Stop living in fear, Marjani. You'll only hurt yourself in the end. Also, when you asked. . ." Niet's voice faded as they exited the room and I was left in my lonesome.

Silence descended into the room as I sat on the bed and thought over what Niet had been whispering in my ear. Despite the horrible events that have occurred, Niet could be right. I could use this as an advantage.

My fingers ascended to my neck, my nervous habit taking root as I meddled with the collar around my neck. The familiar friend I called resentment bubbled in my chest, but I pushed it down knowing there was nothing I could do right now. For a moment, my neck felt bare despite the collar. I then remembered that I had removed the necklace my mother had given me and placed it in the drawer by the bed.

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