A Woman's Work

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Maxwell - The Woman's Work <<<Beautiful and emotional song.

Ike's P.O.V

Something felt off, was my first thought as we walked through the dense forest towards where we had originally landed.

It was a sensation that I had felt since this morning. It wasn't due to the fact that once again I woke up to the other side of the bed being empty and cold. It wasn't due to the fact that my friends seemed to be snappier and icy to one another as the days went by. It wasn't even due to the fact that like always Teelah was trailing after me like she normally did.

Fucking Teelah.

I took a deep breath to level down my anger that mixed with my annoyance.

A part me wanted to blame this entire situation Teelah. She was the one who got in between Avril and I. Everything had been going so well between my kindred spirit and I. We had our small setbacks, but at the same time we always resolved them and I could always find solace at the end of the night with her in my arms.

But now, we weren't even talking. She wouldn't even look at me. No matter how many times I had tried (because I had surely tried), her stubbornness had won out and she continued to give me the meanest cold shoulder that I had ever felt.


And that was the reason I didn't blame Teelah like I wanted to. At the end of the day, it was just as much my fault as it was Teelah's. Matter of fact, it was probably more of my fault.

I should've believed her. I should've taken her side. But she couldn't expect me to believe her when her hands were bloodied with Teelah's bloods.

"Mmm that could be argued." My conscience buzzed in. "Avril did tell you things about Teelah before. You should have been ready for something like that to happen."

Internally, I sighed. Part of my voice was right.

"Part?" It echoed.

I ignored it.

Once again that feeling hit me. Today just didn't feel right.

Instinctively, I turned my head to check on Avril to make sure she was okay. Her eyes glanced around the forest, face blank and beautiful eyes in her own little world. My heart clenched wanting to slow my footing and be closer to her, but I knew I would only be met with coldness the second I tried.

With Avril, I've learned, that when she is upsets she doesn't want to be bothered at all. I give her space when she's mad because if I don't, I'll only escalate the situation. If I push, she'll pull. I've given her hours, even days, at a time these couple of weeks to allow her to be by herself, and to not even see my face. Although it fucking sucked and I ached to be around her, I sadly knew that if she did see me her frustration and anger would only elevate.

Yesterday played in my mind. Her walking away from me looking so hurt, so crushed, so lost. After I hurt her the first time, I told myself that I would make sure I never ended up in that position to hurt her again. But look at me now. I had failed.

My eyes glanced to the fairy next to Avril. Her and I hadn't really spoke, but she seemed fond of Avril. Every time I saw Avril, she seemed to always be with Ivy. I was glad that she had found someone when everyone else pulled away, even me. Guilt filtered through me seeing her face in that field begging for me to believe in her.

Turning my head away, I continued forward mind going over all the ways I could fix this. She wanted space right now and I would give her that. But we needed to talk. I needed to fix this somehow. Mother had always said that when something was broken, you fixed it not threw it away. Yet, I had no fucking idea how to make this shit better.

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