Double Rainbow

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Song: Katy Perry - Double Rainbow

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Eyes closed, the loud sound of emptiness echoed all around me. Everything was so quiet, I could hear the sound of my own heart as it beat and pumped blood through my body. My eyes opened, and I was greeted with an abyss of the cosmos.

Puzzlement gave me pause as I pushed myself up from the position I had been laying in when I fell asleep holding Ike's ring in my hand. I laid on a ground that appeared rocky and painful to lay on, but under my touch it was soft and smooth. Looking down, I was in the same white gown I fell asleep in. I frowned slowly pushing myself to my feet watching the glitter and glow of distant sparkling stars, smoldering planets, and blazing supernovas glowing all around me.

Despite being alone in this void, I didn't feel scared. Instead I was surprisingly calm, and a part of me wondered had I died again and was about to meet my mother.

If I did, she had a lot of explaining to do. I had begged and called for her help knowing she could pick up and hear that I was in distress through the necklace she had gifted me. I still remembered how the necklace had warmed and glowed on my palms secretly taunting only to grow cold the next instant. For the next few days, it has stayed cold. Something like that had never happened. It was like she had heard my call but decided to take the phone off the charger.

It was crazy that the thought of dying didn't erupt emotions in me, but the idea of seeing my egg donor and giving her a piece of my mind did. My feet began to move as I began to walk through the galaxy clusters and stars. I could feel their energy and heat as I breezed through them like they were clouds, but they did not hurt me. Even though I had never been to this place before, it was almost like I knew exactly where I needed to go.

The more I walked, the more the idea of me dying in my sleep seemed real, and the more I began to ponder on what this death meant. I wished I had talked to my mother more because I didn't understand exactly how me conjoining with Ike worked with my death. If died, did he die with me? Or would I die and forever be without Ike.

The idea of dying and never seeing Ike made something heavy settle on my chest. The pull to an unknown destination grew stronger, but I was beginning to not want to follow it. My footing stopped at a doorway that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere in this galactic abyss. Like an invisible string was connected to my chest, it pulled me towards the dark opening, but I pulled back not wanting to meet my fate if it meant I would never see Ike again.

For the love of- will you stop overthinking and go in!

I jumped with a squawk at the booming voice of my conscience not knowing why all of a sudden it seemed louder and omniscient, like it was everywhere.

Mild annoyance made me roll my eyes at the bossiness of my inner voice yet knowing it wouldn't lead me purposely down the wrong path, I stepped further towards the opening. One second, I was stepping into the dark archway and the next second, I was stepping out into a large field with sloping fields.

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