When Things Hit the Fan

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Song: Marina and the Diamonds – Savages

The gray walls of my beautiful painted prison were the first thing I saw the next morning. With a tired sigh, I pushed myself up into a sitting position and ran my hands over my face hating the hunch I felt at my shoulders.

I had waited for Ike in our dreamland and he had never come. A part of me expected it.

"You told him you were cheating on him with the leader." The voice's soft lilt and not its usual confident, and even borderline arrogant timbre somehow made me feel worst.

"I didn't. . .I mean I don't know. I liked his touch, my body did but I didn't." I tried to explain, not knowing how to get the words out. "I couldn't explain it to him, I was even confused myself."

"Well, you dug yourself in a hole."

At its words, I threw my head back and groaned. I didn't think things could get worst. Ever since yesterday after Zeddicus, I had been tensed and anxious, awaiting a punishment that I didn't know if I was mentally and emotionally prepared to withstand. The feeling of dread had weighed on me since yesterday, intensified as I thought of all the ways Zeddicus could hurt me. I glanced around wondering where Niet and Marjani were. They had got good at picking up my moods and knew when to leave me to my own devices. So, their absence after they gave me dinner was normal, but usually it was their faces I woke up to.

Abruptly, my train of thought was cut short when a loud screeching noise erupted through my room. Hush's and my eyes connected, the confusion clear between the two of us.

"What's going on?" Whipping the sheets off of me, I scrambled to my feet. "There's an alarm going off, I have never heard of this.

Shooting to the top of her tank, Hush pierced the surface and dangled over the edge, her arms keeping her up. "I've only ever heard it a few times while I was here. The alarm only sounds when there is a breach in their defenses."

Excitement began to light the dull gray trenches of her eyes. "Is that your kindred spirit, are they here? Have they come for us?"

I was rushing to the door before she could finish the rest of her words. "It's not according to plan, but knowing Ike's jealous streak, I wouldn't be surprised. You say here until the coast is clear, okay?"

I was out the door before I could hear a reply. Outside the confinements of the room, the ominous blaring of the alarm was even louder. Red blinked on and off through the halls drowning the normal gray pathways into a warning red every other second.

A mixture of anxiousness and excitement flowed through my veins as I began to sprint through the halls, knowing which exit would lead me to where I needed to be. As I dodged soldiers yelling orders and hid behind walls to avoid being found, that warm sensation that I had thought Zeddicus blew out a long time ago began to appear.


It was just as I was rounding one corner that my hope flared even brighter. "Ike?" I questioned watching him about to run down a hall, until his attention snapped towards where he heard his name.

"Avril?" The flashing of red helped to obscure his features slightly, but my heart soared recognizing him.

Before he could react, my hands were around his neck and legs were wrapped around his waist melting in his embrace. "I'm so sorry." I breathed in his ear, quickly detangling myself from him understanding that the heart-felt reunion would have to wait. "I know you're upset, but I'll explain later. We have to go." I hissed once I noticed he was just staring at me with a peculiar expression.

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