The Fates Have Decided

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The first thing I noticed walking back to the village was that more men and women were back in the village. It seemed like most had finished what they were tasked to do. However, the jubilant energy I saw this morning was no longer here.

The men and women did not look as excited to see one another. There were no women latching onto men and there were no men vowing for a warrior's attention. Everything seemed bleak...distant.

I had just begun my path again when I saw Ivy sitting discreetly to the side of the village obscured by a few plants. Sitting under a tree with heavy leaves hanging over her, she was barely camouflaged due to the brightness of her wings. Oddly though, unlike the usual times I spotted Ivy, she was not alone.

Instead the man, Azul was his name I believed sat with her. Their conversation seemed to flow easy and every now and then she would shyly look up at him and then back at the table. His eyes, however, stayed firmly rooted to Ivy seeming to be mesmerized by her beauty as he spoke rapidly. He didn't seem to mind as his mouth continue to move, most likely holding the entire conversation while Ivy spoke every now and then but mostly nodded and either looked him or looked at the table when his gaze got too intense from her. Happiness for her flooded into me momentarily overshadowing my earlier dreary feelings.

A shove from my shoulder caused me to stumble forward before righting myself. Turning around, my eyes fell onto Jerica. The sudden light that appeared from the darkening clouds of pain dimmed, and once more I was fading back into the oppressive darkness of my thoughts and feelings. I hadn't seen Jerica since Alem caught us fighting. After that she had stayed scarce. I didn't even see her during the ceremony. Her once overbearing presence was now almost ghostly.

"What the hell was that for?" I scowled at her but was greeted with a glower even fiercer than my own. Her green eyes cut into me tapping into my stubborn reserve that had been shut off for some time. Crossing my arms, I raised my chin defiantly letting her know she wouldn't intimidate me like she does with these other women.

That only seemed to make her angrier. Her words were almost a hiss, as she spoke sharply. "You better watch out alien girl. You've cost me my first born honor-"

Still riled up from my argument with Ike, I could care less about her problems. We all had problems. Hell, I was currently the queen of fucking problems and on top of that the pull to Ike seemed to just have gotten increasingly more intense since our last argument. The past few weeks it has been like a minor discomfort slowly pushing us to complete the last step to our kindred spirit bond, but now it seemed to have gotten ridiculous worst. Even now I had to clench my fist and resist the urge to turn around and march straight back to Ike, because the bond was making my head feel fuzzy and my skin irritatingly prickly.

"I didn't do anything! That's all on you. It's not my fault that-"

"Shut up!" She screeched piercingly. A craze spark danced in her livid depths of green. "I do not want to hear your excuses. I may not be able to hurt you physically, but I can hurt you in other ways."

I snorted refusing to back down, I spoke lowly hearing my own suppressed rage threatening to bubble over. "You don't scare me."

She smirked, something dark splaying across her tense features. She stepped closer, so close that if she wanted to she could easily swing on me and connect. "You should be."

With that she walked away, while I watched on annoyed.

Dramatically I threw my arms in the air staring up into the yellow sky. "Yes, I'm just everyone's scapegoat these days? Come on world throw another doozy at me."

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