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Chidiogo had barely freed herself from Justin's grip when Mmachi got to where they were. Mmachi grabbed Chidiogo's arm, her nails digging into her skin, before pulling her away from Justin.

A yelp escaped Chidiogo's lips as she staggered back, only still standing because of Mmachi's firm grip on her arm.

She grimaced as Mmachi drove her nails deeper into her skin. She struggled to free herself from Mmachi's grip and surprisingly, Mmachi let go of her hand.

She had just a fraction of second to recover before a palm connected with her cheek with so much force; her head did a ninety degree turn.

Reflexively, her palm found it's way to her face to soothe her stinging cheeks. Tears pricked her eyes, quickly clouding her vision.

The class appeared to be a blur, so did the sudden uproar.

Chidiogo blinked repeatedly, trying to rid herself of the adamant tears which seemed to cling desperately to her.

The noise in the class only grew in intensity as she pressed her hands against her ears to stop the laughter resonating in her head.

Chidiogo could see herself bent over on the ground, sure that only she noticed the blood spilling out of her mouth while obnoxious taunts were all the consolation offered to her.

She shook her head, getting rid of the thoughts.

She was in Crest Academy, she reminded herself, not Jasmine High.

Through her blurry vision, worsening as more tears pooled in her eyes, she looked around the classroom. It was packed with students—turned spectators of the scene unfolding—the once empty classroom more like a distant memory.

She couldn't understand where they came from or why they appeared there so quickly.

Her rapid blinking managed to clear her blurry vision just as her eyes met Quinn's. Quinn maintained the stare, eyes sparkling in amusement as her lips curved up in a taunting smile.

Chidiogo looked away, glancing at the ground first before finally looking at Mmachi.

She was slightly taken aback by the intensity of Mmachi's glare. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

She stared at Mmachi for a while feeling a pang in her chest. Her flushed face and tightened jaws couldn't hide the hurt in her eyes.

She should have pulled away earlier. She decided to speak up, the least she could do was to rectify her mistake.

"I was–" she started but Mmachi interrupted her.


"But I nee–"

"I don't want to hear it!"

"Please at least–"

"Shut the fuck up!" Mmachi yelled, her loud voice silencing the entire classroom. "I don't want to hear what you have to say! Why do you insist on taking everything from me? Is this some sick habit or something? Or are you still that foolish girl who can't tell the difference?"

Chidiogo stared at her, the last sentence replaying in her head. Everything seemed to halt as her head swirled with suppressed memories, her eyes brimming with fresh tears.

She shook her head swiping at her tears as she stared on at Mmachi. Of course she had to stab right where it hurt. It was foolish of her to have expected better.

"Think whatever you want."

She managed to flash her a shaky smile as she turned to walk away.

Mmachi picked up her action and sent a kick to her right leg before she could take any further steps.

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