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Mmachi saw a different shade of rage, one as crimson as the blinding lipstick which sat on Chidiogo's lips as she threw her head back in laughter at something Justin had said, and burning as bitterly as the morning sun which made it a mission to incinerate every being that walked the surface of the earth.

Her grip around the edges of her newly-purchased pencil tightened and the pencil almost snapped into two. She kept staring at Chidiogo, noting that she had done something different with her hair.

She let it down, the same way Mmachi usually did. But this time, she had chopped off the entirety of her front hair, leaving a fringe to frame her forehead.

The rest of her hair cascaded down her back in large curls, stopping somewhere above the middle of her back. To say she looked gorgeous was an understatement.

Mmachi stared at her for a long time, observing her hair. It still looked rich and full, even with the amount of torture Chidiogo had put it through. She straightened it almost every opportunity she got and it wouldn't come as a surprise to Mmachi if she used heat to achieve the curls she had on at the moment.

Something else burned within Mmachi as she continued staring at Chidiogo and thinking that someone who would get rid of so much God-given hair, just to achieve a style which wouldn't even last for more than two weeks, didn't deserve any hair at all.

She was still lost in her thoughts, considering fixing the same style or buying a wig that looked like it since she wouldn't cut her hair even to save her own life, when a voice detracted her attention from Chidiogo.

"Have pity on the poor pencil."

Her eyes snapped away from Chidiogo, who was now talking animatedly with Justin, and landed on Paschal's perfectly sculpted face.

His bronze skin glowed more than it usually did and for a moment she was tempted to ask if he had a skin care routine. The thought floated right out of her head the moment she conceived it and she blinked, remembering she hadn't replied him yet.

"Go away."

Two words. That was all she spared him before she returned to glaring at Chidiogo and Justin. She was vaguely aware of footsteps and obnoxious chattering from students moving up and down. Break periods were always rowdy, more so when the next periods that followed were sports periods.

"Don't tell me you still think she's the one responsible for what happened to you at Voile's party."

She grumbled before turning to look at Paschal.

"Which part of 'go away' don't you understand? And what do you even mean by . . ." She trailed off, finally making sense of his words.

She almost face-palmed herself as she stared at him, wondering why and how people always managed to confuse her and Chidiogo. Apart from things you could only notice when the two of them were really close to each other, like her being a few inches taller, Chidiogo's skin was practically flawless.

Her skin glowed even from a distance. The only thing that spoilt her perfect skin was a hideous scar crawling down her shoulder to the upper part of her arm. A scar which she hid for reasons known to her. Mmachi, on the other hand, had a ton of scars decorating her body.

If everyone seemed to be blind to that detail, they should have at least noticed that Mmachi almost always had on a long sleeve. Chidiogo mostly had on short sleeved clothes.

Only Amelia seemed to be able to tell them apart and most times, Mmachi just got tired of telling people which twin she was.

She had almost forgotten what a drag it was to have a twin when Chidiogo was in a separate school.

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