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Her lips lingered on his own for a few seconds before he pulled away. His widened eyes mirrored Chidiogo’s own. Amelia blinked, blushing a little before heading back to where she was seated on the floor.

“Aww, how cute,” Chikaima’s voice came at that point, worsening the situation, “I didn’t know you had a crush on Paschal. What do I call this ship?”

Amelia shot her a glare but she didn’t budge. She tilted her chin up, stroking it with her pointer and thumb as if there was an actual beard on it.

“How does Palia sound? Or—”

“Drop it.” Amelia’s clenched teeth made her words sound more like a threat.

“Why? I wasn’t the one who asked you to kiss him.”

“You literally dared me to kiss him!”

Amelia’s hands flew up at that moment, her voice going up with it.

“I didn’t say it had to be Paschal besides you could have easily taken a shot and—”

“Can we get on with the game already?”

The voice caused Chikaima and Amelia to snap their heads towards Chidiogo who was surprised to hear her own voice. She wished at that moment to recoil into herself or at least disappear from the face of the earth.

“I agree with her, we came here to play a game not to watch your silly banter,” a random girl added causing Amelia to roll her eyes.

“Chidiogo, truth or dare?” Amelia asked, pinning Chidiogo under her stare.

Chidiogo pressed her lips together. If she had just shut up, all this wouldn’t have been happening.


She could feel the stares burning through her as she waited for Amelia’s question.

“If you were to sleep with any guy here, who would it be?”

Chidiogo remained mute, gazing behind Amelia. In that moment, she noticed the intricate swirls on the wall which gave it a false mahogany look.

“I’m going to count down to ten. If you don’t give an answer, you’ll take a shot.”

Chidiogo’s eyes widened as Amelia started counting down, going from ten to two in a second.

“Justin!” she blurted out, not thinking twice.

All the wide eyes that stared back at her following her answer reaffirmed what a huge mistake she had made. Mmachi’s eyes were the largest, bulging out of their sockets as she stared at her.

“Wow.” Was all Amelia could say before she shook her head, as though to clear her thoughts. “Lying is against the rules of the game so you wouldn’t mind proving it right?”

Chidiogo’s jaw dropped as she stared at Amelia. She didn’t have enough time to even come up with a reply before Mmachi spoke up.

“What do you think you are doing!?”

Her eyes seemed to be caging a storm as she glared at Amelia. Paying no regard to her, Amelia asked Chidiogo again, “Can you do it?”

Paschal spoke up this time, saving Chidiogo from responding. “Lia, this has gone too far.”

“What?” Amelia asked, her voice taking up a defensive tone, “I just—”

“He’s right, you’ve gone too far. This was never stated as a rule in the beginning of the game and Chidiogo is under no compulsion to do as you say. Remember that this is truth or dare, not truth and dare.”

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