8 - Oh Hellz Yes

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I walked back to my room and wiped the blood from under my nose

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I walked back to my room and wiped the blood from under my nose. Their punches were decent but they could off planted their feet, it would've made their punch more powerful.

The damage to my face was minimal: I had a swollen lip which was also cut and needed stitches, a bloody nose and a bruise above my eyebrow but at least it wasn't a black eye or a broken nose. 

I went into my bathroom and started cleaning my self up. Once the blood was off I grabbed my stitching stuff and went to the mirror.

I threaded the needle and started talking my self up in the mirror.

"Come on, you can do it. Stop being a fucking baby and just do it. Just have to get the tip of the needle in and then it'll be okay. Okay on 3,"

I hated needles... a lot. I would rather by hit by a fucking flying air conditioner like in Seinfeld then have a jab.

"Okay 3... 2... nope can't do it. Let's just risk it and get an infection."

"Don't tell me the girl who just beat up one of my best fighters and offered to take his 4 punches for him, is afraid of needles."

The deep voice voice came from my bed and when I looked to my right I saw Damian, sitting on it.

He was there at the fight?

I looked at him defensively, "I'm not." 

I most definitely am

"I just watched you give your self a fucking pep talk in the mirror to try and convince yourself to put that needle in your lip and you backed out after your own countdown."

He was getting on my nerves because he was right and I didn't like that, I'm supposed to be tough and capable. I have one weakness and it's the only thing he sees.

I looked flustered, trying to search for words that would be good to say about now but all I came up with was "shut up."

He rolled his mossy eyes as he got up from the bed and walked to me.

"Get on the counter." He muttered as he came closer. 

I was taken back by his words and just stood still, looking at him confused.

"Fine, have it your way." He grinned slightly as he looked down on me before bending his knees.

I felt his rough hands at the back of my thighs before he lifted me, easily and placed my onto the counter.

woaaahhh that was a fucking turn on.

He spread my thighs with his hands and stood in the middle of them. Turning to his left he reached over my leg and grabbed the needle.

"Close your eyes, Pocahontas." The left side of his lip raised a little.

I looked into his eyes momentarily trying to see what he was feeling, but nothing. 

remind me to bring him to poker night with me.

With a small sigh, I closed my eyes and squinted with anticipation of the needle. I felt the metallic point enter my lip and I clenched my jaw. It didn't even hurt that much, it's just the thought of the needle that scares me.

About a minute later I felt his thumb which, I didn't even realise was on my lip, leave it and I opened my eyes slowly, to see him staring at me for a second.

I actually believe it wasn't stone coldness in his eyes.

"All done." He placed the needle onto the counter and stepped back, letting me jump off the counter and followed me as I left the bathroom. 

"Thanks." I didn't know what else to say, I thought we hated each other so why was he acting all nice?

he wants something

"My little sister has unfortunately passed her training which means I need to put her on her first assignment."

 yup, he's gonna make me babysit his sister.

"When I tried to make Asher and Logan do it, she slapped me and said she didn't need a babysitter so now you're doing it because she knows you're new and she thinks that she will be looking after you, not the other way around."

"I get to go on an assignment?!"

Honestly I was surprised, I thought it would've taken more to convince Damian to let me go out on one and now I was going to look after his sister while doing it.

Omg what if she dies and it's my fault.

My excitement quickly faded and twisted into anxiousness.

"Yes. The file is with Daisy, who's in her room, but your main job on this is to make sure she doesn't kill her self. She's a bit..."

psycho? Crazy? Suicidal? 


He put it as more of question then a statement and it made me very intrigued to meet her.

"Does she prefer daggers or guns?" I've always had this vision of having my partner, if I ever had one, to be obsessed with guns like I am with daggers Like the yung and the yang.

"Probably guns but I don't think she's crazy about them though, she loves all harmful devises."

oh hellz yes

I grinned slightly before walking around him and heading for the door to find her.

"It's the black door at the end of the corridor to your right!" 

oh yeah forgot about that


Daisy and Damian. Their mum sure loved D ;)

hey guys!! If anyone is reading this then pleaseee comment or rate this chapter it means so much to me to know that you guys are reading it xxx

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hey guys!! If anyone is reading this then pleaseee comment or rate this chapter it means so much to me to know that you guys are reading it xxx


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