37 - Target Practice

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"No. Absolutely not. Take it back."

"Hmmmm... No."

"You tasteless, horrible, un-worthy human. The breakfast club is in no way near as good as Die hard. Shut up and get out."

It's been five weeks since I brought two armfuls of ice cream to Nova and since then, I've visited her all day, every day. I don't think she's forgiven me fully but she's close.

I just need to keep giving her reasons to forgive me and maybe when she's out of here, she will but for now, I'm more than happy to stay sat next to her bed everyday, speaking to her like we're best friends in elementary school.

I've learnt more about Nova in the last five weeks then I've ever learned about anyone and as much as I despise to admit it, she's learnt a lot about me too. It's a weird feeling, having someone know so much about you. It's even weirder that I'm not even worried that she does. It's as if for the first time, I've trusted someone enough to let them know who I am and it feels amazing because I don't regret it.

"I cannot believe someone who had a border line psychotic obsession with Taylor Swift when she was 15 is calling me tasteless."

"Liking Taylor Swift is being the opposite of tasteless. Not to mention how much of a strong, independent and iconic role model she is and was for women."

"God, you really did like her didn't you?"

"Be careful with your words, I worship her and insulting her will get you punched in the face."

I chuckle

"I'm serious."

I stop chuckling

"Got it, no disrepecting Taylor. Anyone else I should stay clear of conversation wise or will I just get a broken nose for her?"

"My dad's fair game, have a go at him if you want."

"I don't think he's even worth our breath."

"Mhmmm isn't that the truth."

We're both quiet for a moment before I look up and make eye contact with her. That's when we both bursted out laughing.

Okay well she bursted out laughing. I simply chuckled a little. I don't think I will ever laugh as loudly or happily as she just did.

"Can I colour in your tatoos?"


"Your sleve, can I colour it in?"

"Why would you want to colour in my tatoos?"

"Because it would be fun."

Normally, I would say no without a second thought but the idea of being that close to Nova and having her hands and fingers on my arm really enticed me.

I haven't got physically close to her since I became the worlds biggest asshole and nearly killed her.

"Okay fine."

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