Chapter 2 : Invisibility

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adjective: invisible

unable to be seen.
"this invisible gas is present to some extent in every home"

concealed from sight; hidden.
"he lounged in a doorway, invisible in the dark"


Friday 8th September 2020

After his unexpected breakdown on Monday, Levi ran out of the bathroom before I could finish asking my question. I keep contemplating whether to tell anyone about Levi's suicide attempt, but a part of me feels as if that would be betraying his trust?

It's sounds stupid, I know.

He tried to kill himself, well...technically he was just thinking about it - so of course telling someone was my first instinct but...but I guess I could help him?

With all that he's been through with wouldn't be fair on him to be the centre of attention once again.

People pitying him.

Saying what a troubled child he is.

Knowing Levi...I know something like that might drive him over the edge. And that's the last thing anybody wants.

So over the next few days I keep a watchful eye on Levi, who's quieter than ever. Like he's never exactly been one to take the spotlight but now it's like he's mute. He has masked his upset and self destruction with his ordinary cool demeanor, and completely ignores me whenever I try to talk to him, like he's embarrassed it happened.

But nobody would notice anything different.

It's not like we ever really talk when other people are around. Well it's not like Levi really talks to anyone. Ever since what happened...he's been like this.

No more fun, cheeky Levi who steals my clothes when I'm in the shower or puts blue hair dye in my shampoo.

It's like he's breaking inside.


That's not the right thing to say.

Because you can't break something that's already broken.

He's pretty much silent when I'm around, yeah sure, he laughs with his mates and has conversations with my parents.

But with me.


I guess that's why I was so surprised when he called me. Out of anyone. He for help. Levi doesn't really talk to anyone else - I would describe him as the lone wolf type, and only trusts his closet pack.

But even though he's quiet, he for sure has a loud presence.

As I close my locker, I see people parting the corridor like he's Moses walking through the fucking Red Sea, just so he can get through with ease - but, to be honest, they might just be doing that because they're scared he'll pummel them 6 feet under.

Levi strides through with confidence, ignoring the heated looks and jealous glares that various other students are giving him.

I'm not surprised they're looking at him like that though, he's hotter than the damn Sun. Girls practically melt at the way his hair sticks out of his beanie or how his broad shoulders fill out his North Face puffer - each tiny detail making him look somehow more and more irresistible.

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