Chapter 12 : X-ray Vision

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Chapter 12 : X-ray Vision

Friday 16th november 2020


noun: X-ray; plural noun: X-rays
an electromagnetic wave of high energy and very short wavelength, which is able to pass through many materials opaque to light.
denoting an apparent or supposed faculty for seeing beyond an outward form.
modifier noun: X-ray
"you didn't need X-ray eyes to know what was going on"

"Get off meeee"

I say as my brother jumps on top of me. Like a bodyguard, I protect the remote under my body and refuse to give up. When I have a split second advantage, I shoot my hand out and poke him in the side.

"Eeeeeeek," Ezra squeals like a five year old girl when I press the ticklish spot on his waist. Then I run off, out of the sitting room.


I trip over the rug and flip onto the floor with an unexpected crash.

"Elegant," my brother says with strong sarcastic mockery.

"Shut up" my tone is annoyed but soon goes to raging when Ezra takes this as an opportunity to chuck me over his shoulder.

"LET ME DOWN!!!!!!"

He starts to charge around like an elephant making my voice slur and wiggle. Ezra jumps up and down so I cling onto his back tight, while he's swinging violently from side to side. No way I was going to die from a battle over the TV remote.

"STOOOOOP YOU WANKER!" Ezra swipes the remote from my hand and I whack him hard all over his back.

"Owwwahh, since when did you punch so hard?"

"I don't careee just let me downnnn! Ooh and give my the REMOTE" Obviously he disagrees. But i mean, who would?

"But whyyyy, I don't want to watch Top Gear or football or whatever boring show you want to watch, I want to watch Gossip Girlll!" Hot Nate Archibald and Blair Waldorf's fashion sense was exactly what I needed right now. And who knows, maybe I'll get a little deja vu when I see 'Chair' hop on the screen.

Wait...I shouldn't be thinking of Levi at a time like this. To be honest, I shouldn't be thinking of him at all.

"That show is rubbish, Blair and Dan should be together..." he muffles the last part.

"Ew no Dan and Serena all the way- HOLD UP! Have you been watching episodes without me?!" He blushes and drops the remote and my limp body onto the sofa. Then walks out of the room to ignore my question.

"I don't watch Gossip Girl..."

"OMGGG YOU SO DO!!!" I shower his face with kisses and he shoves me away with a grimace, wiping his face persistently.

"Gross" then he makes a 'yuck' sound - like what a two year old would do if their sweet potato purée wasn't tasty enough.

He clicks through his Netflix account and I see Gossip Girl on his recently watched. Alarmed at my observation, he rushes to scroll onto another section. Now this is where I have to make a decision. On the one hand, me and my brother could learn to bond and have a mutual respect for each other over this show. But on the other hand I could tease Ezra, laugh at him and borderline bully him.

Sooo...which sounds more fun.



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