5 years ago : February 9th 2015

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5 years ago : February 9th 2015


I am absolutely freezing.

Who knew February would be this icy.

I'm sitting on the floor of the school grounds with my friends, shivering because I forgot my coat this morning. Obviously it was because i was once again in a massive rush but not even i realised i could be this stupid to forget it on the coldest week ever.

"Hi there, are you cold?" A sort of deep voice sounds above me. I say sort of deep because it's obviously not completely broken yet since it's cracking like a scratched dvd, but it's just being put on to sound 3 years older.

Peering up, I see the figure of Thomas Brent - the 'naughty' boy in the year above.

"Uh...um..." Making a complete fool of myself, my mind goes blank on what to say.

Why was he talking to me?

He's like...actually popular?

"I saw you shivering and-" he chuckles to himself in an embarrassed sort of way, "-I just thought you might want to borrow my coat."




Underneath my skirt, I pinch my thigh to make sure I'm not dreaming.


I'm not dreaming.

Very very real boy standing in front of you.

"Uhhhh" my mouth can't form words.

"She'll take it!" Nancy snatches the coat out of Thomas's hand and throws it over my shoulders. Thomas looks shocked but relaxes once he sees me shivering less.

"Well ok then, give it back to me at the end of lunch, yeah!"

I nod and blush profusely.

Why was he talking to me?! There's waaay prettier girls in like ANY year! So why did he pick me!

He gives me a cheesy wink once he's back to standing around with his friends.


That was so sweet of him.


"HE DID WHAT!" Levi yells.

"I can't believe that guy!" My brother cracks his knuckles as if he's trying to be intimidating.

It's not working.

After Thomas very generously lended me his coat, my friends have been talking non stop. The entire day they've been planning our future wedding and have been discussing what our kids are going to be called.

They even went as far as to tell my brother and his friends.

Obviously none of them had remotely the same reaction as my friends.

"Yeah I know right! It was so kind and thoughtful of him." Esther says with a doe eyed look on her face as she leans into the counter, daydreaming.

"No! No! Not kind! Creepy! And why would he do THAT or anything, to be honest, to my baby sister! He's so much older than her, that's just weird."

Levi casts his eyes to the floor when my brother says this and I feel myself blush. So what. I happen to like older guys, the boys in my year are all ugly and boring. But not like OLD guys, like guys in the year above. I don't crush on guys like my dad's age.

Cause that's just...ew.

Unless it's Johnny Depp.

Or Brad Pitt.

Actually in all fairness there's many men my Dad's who look like utterly delicious snacks.

"Why would he even do that? Like he doesn't even know her?!" Jax raises his eyebrows at this apparently 'bizarre' situation.

"Ugh. I know. It was so romantic." Quinn daydreams, completely dismissing the boy's comments and lack of enthusiasm.

Levi lets out a big huff of anger, cracking his knuckles with a frown on his face.

Jaxon is on his phone, presumably texting people that they need to get Thomas back.

Ezra flexes his non-existent muscles aggressively.

Boys. Ugh.


"He is so attractive, Allie. You're really lucky.." Esther's voice is soft and dreaming, as she stares at a photo of Thomas on Nancy's new phone and traces her finger along his body.

We sit in a circle on my bedroom floor with the phone in the middle.

"But guys...what if he was just being nice? I mean he's so-"

"-HOT!" Nancy yells when she sees a photo of him playing football. He looks sweaty and gorgeous while he runs with skill. Don't ask me how, but we now have a collection of photos alllll of Thomas.

"Well yeah...hot. Yes but he could've just noticed I was cold?" They ignore me once again as they stare at Thomas's photos on Nancy's phone. They stare at more pictures, drawling over each and every one of them, while I think.

Would a guy give a girl his coat just because she looks cold or does it mean he's only doing it because he wants something from here? Was it just an act of kindness or does he think I'm pretty? Boys confuse me.

We flick through more photos of him that we managed to find after stalking his social media for hours.

Out of nowhere, Quinn rips out a sheet of A4 paper from her chemistry book and starts to scribble words down.

"Uh...Quinn what are you doing?"


Me, Nancy and Esther just stare at her like she's out of her mind. Is that supposed to mean something or...?

"True what?"

She shows us the piece of paper, revealing the letters - 'T R U E L O V E' - at the top. She shows it with confidence but we still have no clue.

"Yeahhh, and what's this supposed to do?"

Quinn gives us a quick explanation of the game. Apparently you write down 2 peoples names and however many letters match up from yours to 'TRUELOVE' determines whether you should be together or not. To be honest, it sounds completely made up but I'm just going along with it out of curiosity.

After lots of jotting down random words and numbers, she reveals what she's been doing for the last 5 minutes.

T - 3
R - 3
U - 0
E - 2
L - 1
O - 2
V - 0
E - 2
T R U E L O V E - 13/20 (65%) compatible

"This is stupid."


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