Chapter 21

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The next morning, Barcode and Jeff woke up early but those with them were not yet awake. He was so annoyed that Jeff calmed him down.

Later, The others came down and told Jeff to call his brothers because he had woken up to his brothers so he might shoot them.

Jeff wakes them up.

Meanwhile, Boss screamed as he woke up with blood all over his body and he even turned to knock at Jeff's door calling for them to eat Barcode's orders when Jeff came to him to eat Barcode's orders.

Max also suffered head and body aches because he had multiple wounds all over his body and he also had a tattoo Nat's name was placed when he heard Jeff knocking them out to eat.

Fort was wondering why he had a head wound and what he remembered was that Barcode and Jeff also had James, Nunew, Zee, and Net.

Had informed him that they were going to customize their car until he only remembered when he heard Jeff knocking on the door.

So all at once, they came down to the dining area

"What happened?"  Fort said to Barcode.

"Sit down there and you too," Barcode said and there they saw everything that happened to them.

"What's the problem with all of you what happened last night?!" Max said angrily to them but Net ignored his anger and reminded Barcode that he had been quiet for a while and that he knew why he had nearly drugged Max last night.

"P'Zee and P'Net do you know what happened?" Fort said annoying them.

"Yes, when we came back you were having sex and Nong'Barcode was angry that he almost killed you all as also his groupmate so well we stopped him," Zee tells them.

"Nong'Nunew tells us your food was supplemented with sex drugs based on what we saw you eating last night," Net told them and they just sighed because they didn't remember what they knew they were eating just that. they have sex drugs that they eat.

"The show is over and we're leaving now, After all my siblings had sex drugs and they enjoyed being stupid except for P'Zee and P'Net By the way, While you were under the influence of sex drugs, we talked intensely. about our plan with Madam Wang and her colleagues, So did Nunew and P'Zee, we fake their deaths. I just informed you also I already proposed to Jeff and we're engaged, This is the last time you will use the fools of sex drugs and fix yourself, Nat we are not finished talking because there is a fool out there who is ready to catch your bullet so you will not be killed, I told you to be careful of what happened again, This is the last warning to all of you and my brothers because they are stupid to do you understand!," Barcode said angrily to them and Nat shout at Barcode too.

"Fuck," Nunew warned. They stopped a warning shot of Nunew.

Barcode walked out and Jeff followed him.

Meanwhile, Barcode and Jeff left them alone in the living room.

He couldn't believe that it would happen to them to have sex with their brother Barcode's partner and when they saw the video they wanted to break the television.

What they remember is that they both ate the cake that Peat baked for them and they also drank some juice. Are they aware that there are sex drugs?

They regretted that they ate it,  they just went with Barcode,  this didn't happen, but it was too late. all of that is not.

"My Aconite you're so hot and don't worry about your head," he turned his back on him and kissed him on the floor and it went away with redness on its cheek.

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