Chapter 27

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What Madam Wang knew was that Nunew and Zee were gone so she didn't waste time with the members of the chaser.

She also doesn't care about the people she ordered to kill Nunew and Zee, the important thing is that one of the thorns in her life is gone and that's thanks to Nunew. But she is not completely happy because someone stole her money and gold bars.

The value of what he lost is billions and above all that one of his islands was raided.

Meanwhile, aware of Zee's fake death, there were his friends and their relatives who had no idea that Zee was alive and that Nunew was with him in one of the chaser's villas.

"Don't you attend on your own?" while they are in the swimming pool.

"Nong'Nunew," Nunew kissed him and he returned the kiss.

"What's the next plan?" Zee asked while Nunew was sitting on his lap.

"The children are still safe in the hands of Madam Wang and you know who her accomplices are. We will finish them off and I want you to be the one to handcuff me and my other members of the chaser. I will not who will say wait for me, you are free to choose who you love." Nunew said as he touched Zee's cheek and he kissed his hand.

"I'll wait for you, we still have a deal," Zee hugged Nunew.

In the following days, their dynamic undergoes a shift. Zee eyes him with newfound interest, and they engage in subtle flirting, trading small glances and keeping their smiles from being noticed by his brother and Nunew's group mates.

Nunew even initiates a game of footsie during a group briefing, which takes Zee off-guard. Both maintain composed expressions, not betraying the fact that he's teasing his foot under the table. and certainly, nobody catches on to the fact that he has retaliated by handcuffing his foot to the table.

They head out for drinks and celebrate. They indulge in a shameless round of karaoke singing, while Max again cautions Zee that Nunew may turn into a monster. Afterward, a slightly tipsy and very cheery Zee prods his brother to join him in another round of drinks, and they end up continuing the celebration in the living room.

Zee is in a particularly lighthearted mood and invites his brother to use common formal speech with him. He's older for both of them, but because of his older, he typically gets to use formal with them while they have to use elevated polite speech with him. But in the spirit of the moment, she urges them to drop the formalities.

Nunew tests it out first, enjoying the sound of the informal words. Boss is more bashful, and has to be urged by Zee to go ahead. He can barely bring himself to say it, but once he does call him "Zee," he enjoys the intimacy of calling him by his name.

They passed out on the floor. They start out lying in fairly proximity to each other, but by morning the bodies have shifted in sleep and James wakes up on the sidelines. Perhaps acting unconsciously, Nunew and Zee are now sleeping in each other's arms.

The next day they are called to the house presumably in response to their service. Fort eats a cookie that's been set out for them, while Boss nervously tells him to wait until after their meeting. Just then the Prime Minister arrives, and thanks them for saving his life.

They were given a medal and they were also on a bonus trip to New Zealand.

Fort was happy because four tickets were given to them. They can be peat.

"I'll just give it to P'Zee," Max said so Fort asked how he and Nat were.

"Just casual," Boss replied as they headed to the parking lot.

"I just enjoy it with Peat," he called Peat and said the good new one had been taken by Peat.

He was in the parking lot when his chief called and returned them to the police station.

The next week is in New Zealand.

Fort told Peat about the New Zealand trip that he was rather happy because it was the first time he would be with Peat, that they were a couple. It ended up in rescue operations because Jeff found out that Madam Wang operated human trafficking. Boss is also with him in the operation.

Peat and Noeul are also in New Zealand but they have a different purpose so they are in New Zealand to hunt down Madam Wang's men before Fort and Boss arrive.

"Let's kill them first so that when Fort arrives they will save them. As long as we are Madam Wang's crew. I miss eating human flesh, we can't eat when they are there," While they were wearing masks Peat was throwing away the toxic gas.

"This is just our dirty little secret," said Noeul as Madam Wang's crew died one by one.

"Let's just help them because I want to enjoy our vacation trip," they put Madam Wang's crew in the body bag one by one. They just let the others look like they committed suicide because Madam Wang ordered.

Nunew told them that being a killer cannot be removed from them, it is in their blood.

They made sure that everything they did was to be blamed on Madam Wang and not them. Because Barcode said that they need to look nice in front of their families.

Did they repent to those they killed, the answer is that it is not normal for them.

They help the police to rescue children like them but that doesn't mean they won't kill people because of why they did this and to take revenge for Samuel.

When Fort and Boss arrived as well as other agents, Madam Wang's crew were already dead and they rescued the children who were in the chamber glass.

"They killed themselves to save their boss, Madam Wang," Fort was disgusted and at the same time he was happy because the children were safe from Madam Wang's hands.

Bangkok, Thailand.

Net is still thinking about James' ex, Dennis. He regrets both James and Dennis. If it wasn't for Madam Wang, James wouldn't have been forced to do that.

"P'Net," he was surprised when something sweet touched his cheek when he looked up to see James with an iced coffee.

"The depth of your thoughts," James handed over his iced coffee.

"Thank you," James smiled as he sat next to her.

"P'Net, do you still think about me and Dennis," James said to him in surprise but he immediately denied it and said that he had other thoughts.

"P'Net, Dennis is happy with the people he loves and I'm happy because you're here," he just looked at James evilly.

He just changed the subject and they talked about cars and James' family.

​"P'Net, after all this is over, I want to build a bar, that's what Nunew and I plan," Net was comforted by looking at James.

He thought that Nunew was also James' ex-boyfriend. He suddenly asked. Why did you and Nong'Nunew break up? "

"P'Net, Nunew is not my boyfriend because we are sex buddies, I admit that I am attractive to him but that's all. Then we are not like Barcode and Jeff, didn't I tell you that it is okay for us to have sex apart from Barcode and Jeff? Now Peat is also off limits because he is Fort's boyfriend. P'Net we don't do that, we stopped that we love at first sight with you," he was also used to James flirting and openly saying it he likes her.

Sometimes he forgets that this is one of the members of the chaser. He knows that James is a big red flag but he can't stop his heart from falling for him. James has a quality that he likes to fulfill his being a gentleman.

The longer he got to know James, the more he discovered that he liked James.

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