Chapter 16

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I decided to work on Asher most, and to only do Jayden when it really counts. Sorry to all you Jayden lovers. =^-^= Here is an extra long chapter! Warning! Mature content.


Asher's POV

The next week, I got my cast off. It felt good to let my leg be able to breath, but I still had to be careful for a while until it was fully healed. My mom had come back, and Carmen actually greeted her coming up from the driveway. I went back to school as normal. Jayden didn't go for that entire week. I was getting worried.

"Ash. Don't worry. He's fine, I promise."Lani assured me. I shook my head, careful to not shake off my beanie, and looked at the empty seat next to me. I missed him. Lani and I were sitting in our math class. We had a test today, and it was really hard for me to study, because I used to study with Jayden. Everytime I picked up the textbook, I thought of his head laying on my lap while he was playing on my phone.

"Alright everyone. You may start." Our teacher said. I flipped over the packet, and picked up my pencil. The questions seemed easy to me. But each time I colored in the circle, I kept thinking it was wrong. I did that to almost every question, and it drove me crazy. I had just finished the last question when the bell rang. I shot up out of my seat and ran my test up to the teacher and walked out the door. I didn't stop walking. I went right out the door so fast, that I ran into someone's chest. I hoped that it was the one person that I couldn't stop thinking about. I looked up.

"Jayden." I said. His face looked better but the cuts were still there. They didn't look red, but they were more like scars at that point. I wanted to break down and hug him right then, but I couldn't.

"Hi Ash." He said, in the low sexy voice that he knew I loved. "Where are you going? School isn't over yet. " I shrugged, and walked past him. "Do you mind if I join you?" Another shrug.

I walked to the public park, in the center of town. I walked along the trail for a few minutes, then turned to the left, off trail. I had a spot around there, that I went to every time. It was hard to get to, which is why it was my spot. I had to climb over fallen trees, and under hovering ones to get to the one spot in the entire park, that didn't annoy me. There was a huge tree in the center of a clearing. I thought that was where the park had bonfires. There was chared branches and rocks all around the big tree.

I walked over to the big tree and lied down on my back. Jayden sat down next to me leaning on the tree. For a while we didn't say anything. I closed my eyes and breathed.

"Asher. I need to talk to you." Jayden said quietly. I groaned and sat up. He only called me by my full name, when it was important. "When I came here, I thought that I was only going to stay for a few weeks. I was looking for some fun. And I had found it. With you. But I never wanted to hurt you. Lani told you about the girl I had 'publicly humiliated' right?" I nodded. "It was her. She overestimated. I didn't publicly humiliate her. I pulled her to the side, and she made a scene to make it public. She was so mad when she left, she told me that she wouldn't ever forget it. She said, she'd ruin any of my other relationships. I didn't believe her. I should have. I came here to make things right with her. But when I saw her smile at me I thought she had forgotten." I stared at him.

Lani broke us up on purpose. I figured, because of how she always acted around Jayden, and how she was the one who always told me bad stuff about him to make me upset. I turned away. "I'm sorry Jayden." I said. " If I had known Lani was a traitor I would have followed you instead." I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.

"It wasn't your fault Ash. I was a Jackass. But I've changed. Because of you." He took my hands away from my face, and held them tightly. "I love you Asher." I stared at him for a minute, then threw my arms around his neck, careful of the scars. His arms formed around me and we didn't say anything for a while. We just hugged.

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