Chapter 2

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Asher's P.O.V.

"Asher, Wake up. I don't want to be later for our first day!" Lani said jumping on top of me. I swear somtimes I just want to push her over the bed. She does this every morning on the first day of school.

"Asher! We're high schoolers! Oh, my gosh! what if we don't fit in? What if we can't make friends? What if we lose each other and never find our way out of the shcool?" Lani rambles on. I groan in response.

"Lani! Shut the hell up!" I yell, throwing a pillow in her face. "We never fit in. We don't need anymore friends, and the school is not big enough for you to get lost in! Now will you let me sleep?!" I screamed shoving my face in my sheets.

"Nope!" She giggled pulling the blankets from my bed. I groaned and rolled over falling off of my bed onto a pile of blankets she probably took off of me when I was sleeping. I rolled under my bed and into darkness.

"Asher," She whined. "I'm picking out your clothes then." She skipped over to my closet. I yelled no and rolled out from under my bed. She can't pick out clothes to save her life. I stand and run over to her pulling her away from my closet. She giggled.

"I knew that would get you out. Now, get dressed and I'll make breakfast." I looked at the clock. 5:37am. Who the hell wakes up this early? I mentally scream. I make myself pick out an outfit and finish my morning routine. Get dressed, brush my teeth, wash my face, and eat breakfast.

I walk downstairs and instantly smell pancakes. It can't be Lani, her pancakes smell like a garbage truck ran into a sewage treatment plant and was drowned in toxic waste.

When I get down stairs I see my mom over the stove and let out a whoop. My mom's pancakes could make you drool. Lani was sitting on the couch, playing X-Box. I went to join her already feeling my stomach growl.

A while later mom leaves for work, and Lani and I are alone with Carmen, my sister. Carmen runs down the stairs in a half shirt and shorts with heels. I mentally throw up. Skank i thought. Her boyfriend always picks her up for school. She never comes down in the morning anymore, because mom always tell her to go change. I've always loved mom for her attitude. And of course because she cares for me Duh.

I look at the clock and groan, it's 6:30. We have to be at school before 7:00. Yay. I'm about to Kill Lani's character on the X-Box when the doorbell rings and messes up my concentration. Lani won. I get up to answer the door, annoyed that anyone even came here in the morning.

" 'Sup Ash," It's my friend Trayvon. I groan and pull him in. I forgot, he's going to be taking us to school now that we are in the same one. Lani is still on the couch, with her face glued to the Tv.

"Lani lest go." I say turning to game off. She whines. I ignore her. I really don't care if she doesn't like it. She woke me up today, she could have avoided it.

We walk out of my house and off we go to school. I'm so excited.

The pic is of Lani

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