Chapter 4

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Asher's POV

As soon as he sat next to me, I couldn't stop staring at him. He was like a goth god. His hair was a light Brown with blonde highlights. His eyes were so blue that it felt like you were drowning in the ocean. He wore a black shirt that showed his muscles, and blue jeans.

In class I couldn't stop staring at him. He caught me a few times and I always turned away. When I looked back, he had a smirk on his face like he knew I liked him. He probably did, by the way I acted around him.

In Science the teacher was already giving assignments. He had rushed through his words, so I could barely write down notes. He paired us up in groups of two, and guess who I got paired with. Jayden Carr, Goth God. He's coming over to my house Thursday, Friday and Saturday to work on it. He chose the dates since I wasn't even able to form words around him. When lunch came around, I bolted out of the room and found Lani.

In the Lunch Room

"You Like him?" Lani Gasped. I shushed her and nodded. "Oh my gosh! You can't like him. No no no. He's a player Ash. You'll get hurt for real! And I won't let him do that to you. In the 3rd grade, he publically embarrassed a girl, by breaking up with her on the roof of the play structure. She didn't come to school for the next 3 weeks!" She whisper screamed in my ear.

"You can hang out with him, but only if I am with you. OK?" She said. I looked away like Well that's going to be hard considering we have a project together. "What?"She asked. I told her about science and how we were supposed to do the project together. She smacked her forehead and groaned.

"OK. Simple. Don't do anything stupid with him. Oh Shit! Here he comes. Be cool," She said putting a smile on her face. "Jayden over here!" If she didn't want me to say anything stupid, then why did she call him over here?

" 'Sup," I had never heard him speak before. In science when he chose the dates, he had written them on a piece of paper and passed it to me. His voice matched his appearance perfectly. It was deeper than I thought though.

I nodded in response to his ' 'Sup' and he sat down next to me. His knee bumped against mine and I fought back the urge to 'fall' into him. Lani cleared her throat and I looked at her. Her eyes went wide, and I gave her a confused look. She pointed to our knees and I blushed. She rolled her eyes and went back to her food.

"Hey Jayden! Ash and I were going out to Choco's Cafe after school, wanna come?" I slammed my hand onto my face. "Ignore him, he's just tired." Lani continued. "I know it's Monday, but we could all use a break from school." I looked at her sideways.

"School just started Lani." She looked at me and smiled. I knew that smile. She acted stupid on purpose to make me say something. I narrowed my eyes at her and she smiled again. I mouthed the words I'll get you back for this all she did was giggled.

"Uh Sure. That'd be cool I guess. Asher, afterwards you and I could get started on the project early. You know, work out what we're gonna do." He said shoving food into his mouth. He didn't even let me reply. "My place or yours?"

"Mine I guess." I said trying not to stutter. I was really gonna get Lani back for this. How was I suppossed to not like him, if he's coming to my house?

School carried on and I got bored of it already. I went outside, sat on the bench and waited for Lani and Jayden. Appearently Jayden has missed a year of school so he should be a Junior. He can drive too. Weird, but also kinda cool.

"Ash! Ash! Ash! Are you ready?" I turned to find Lani and Jayden coming towards me. Lani was running to me. She seemed even more hyper than when she was at my house. Funny how things dont work out for me.

Jayden lead us to his car, and we started to Choco's. His car was a dark Green 4 seated colored truck with Blue flames decorated on the sides. Our back packs were tied down in the back. I was in the front with Jayden driving and Lani bouncing in the back. I was afraid someone had given her candy.

We arrived at Choco's and made our way in. It was never packed, but today we couldn't even see the register with so many teens in the way. I was surprised that we even found an empty booth. Jayden sat on one side and I sat on the other with Lani closing me in. Thanks.

"Two Caramel frappaccinos with Extra whipped cream and extra Caramel, and one-" Lani cut off looking at Jayden. "What do you want. Oh wait! I remember! One non fat decaf latte." Lani said smiling at her rememebering his likes.

During the time we were there we talked about school. How it was going so far. What classes we liked best. What classes were stupid. When Jayden laughed, his leg brushed mine under the table. Sometimes it stayed there, and sometimes he shifted. I swear my face turned pink when he touched me.

"Ok well, it's going to start getting late. We should go." Jayden said. Lani and I both nodded and stood to walk out. She stopped me before I could open the door.

"Don't look in his eyes and you won't feel the urge to kiss him. OK? and don't let him get to close to you. Meaning don't get in physical contact with him. Got it?" She said, and stormed off before I could even form a response.

Jayden dropped off Lani at her house, with instructions on where to go. Then we came to my house. When we got to it, his mouth dropped open.

"You live here? I thought that rich snobs lived here. But you're not a snob." I took that as a complement.

"Hello?" Mom said into the intercom. She always sounded weird on it.

"Mom it's me open the gate, Carmen took my key, and it has the punch in code on it." I replied leaning in to it. Only to be hovering over Jayden. I felt his breath on my neck and retracted.

"How do I know it's you? I can see on the cameras that this is obviously not you. Who are you?" She asked. When mom got nervous she always asked questions.

"Mom, this is Lani's old friend from Hawaii, Jayden. I'm in the passenger seat." I said trying to convince her.

"Yeah right. For all I know, you could be a ventriloquist." She yelled into the intercom. I covered my ears and groaned. I pushed the car door open and stood, waving my arms around to get the camera to turn to me. It stayed glued on the truck. I walked over the the camera and stood in front of it, with an annoyed look on my face.

"Oh Hi Sweetie! I guess it was you. Oops" I groaned, walked back to the car, and climbed in, as the gates swung open.

"Your mom seems nice." Was all Jayden said when he drove through the gates. I groaned and jumped out of the car. He cut the engine and followed behind me. This wasn't going to be easy.

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