Chapter 14

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Jayden's POV

"Asher? Why would you say that? What's going on?" I asked holding onto Asher firmly, making sure that he doesn't run. Even though it seemed like he'd like to. He even tried a couple times but each time he'd gotten away, I always ended up getting him back in my arms. "Asher stop! What are you talking about? Why am I a piece of shit?" I asked getting slightly annoyed. He started getting angry.

"Your a piece of shit because you were only using me for sex! Did you mean it when you said you loved me? Or were you just playing with my emotions? You know what? I dont even wanna know. You wanted sex you've gotten it, now brake up with me and leave! I don't ever want to see you again! I was wrong about never hating you before! I hate you! Leave! Now!" He screamed in my face.

I stood there shocked for a second. How'd he find out? I don't remember ever telling anyone. Especially not Jax. I don't know how he found out, but then I remember the day before when Lani started crying.

I really do love Asher. The first time I met him, I was only planning to get him to like me enough for him to have sex with me. But then I started liking hanging out with him, and loving him. I wish I hadn't even come to Oakland, then none of this would have happened.

I started walking out, but then Asher collided his hand with my face. I knew something had been missing. My face started to sting, but I deserved it. I put my head down, and walked out of his house, running down the steps, to my truck. When I got in my car, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started crying like crazy and I tried to whipe away the tears, but they just kept coming.

I went around in the circle and drove off. The gate was open when I arrived at it. I was driving into the open road when I heard it. Shuffling in my back seat. I pulled over and stopped the car.

"I wouldn't stop if I were you Jayden." Said a mans voice behind me. I looked in the mirror above the dash, and saw that it was one of the druggies, from Honolulu. I think his name was Daren. Or Derek. Somewhere between there. "Drive. To the nearest warehouse. Go. If you don't want your boyfriend to get hurt." He said, pointing a gun to my side.

I stiffened and started the car again, and drove to the nearest warehouse. I parked the car in the beat up old parking lot. Daren/Derek got out first, and came to my door, with the gun still pointed at me.

"Lets go. Marcus would like to talk to you." He said with a smile on his face. I remember Marcus. He was the dealer. I felt my heart rate pick up.

I followed the druggie inside the warehouse. He strapped me down in a chair and tied my hands behind me. He also tied my feet to the chair legs.

"Nice Job Drake. Bringing this run away to me." Said a voice from the shadows in front of me. I squinted and saw a tall male figure slowly stepping out into the circle of light. I thought it was so cheesy.

"Jayden, Jayden, Jayden. I told you that I'd get my money. Now do you have my $150?" Marcus asked towering over me. I took a deep breath, making sure my voice doesn't quiver.

"No Marcus. Not yet. I moved here so I could get a job, without distractions and Pay you back the money I owe. I just need more time." I said calmly. He took a step back, and sighed loudly.

"I don't think you deserve anymore time, for putting me and my men in all this trouble to find you. What do you think Drake?" Marcus asked turning to Drake. Drake smiled evily and rubbed his hands together. Weird.

"I think he was lying. He said he came here so he could have no distractions and get a job, but what you didn't know is that he found himself a boyfriend to get distracted by." Drake stepped to me. I turned away hurt, that he brought up Asher.

"You have a boyfriend?" Marcus asked crossing his arms over his chest. I shook my head no. "If not, then why does Drake tell me you do?"

"I used to have a boyfriend. It's over now, and I've moved on." I said staring straight into Marcus's eyes. He stared at me for a moment.

"If that's true, then why were you crying when you got in your car?" Drake asked leaning down close to my face. He kept looking at my eyes, and then my mouth, and back again. Just like me and Asher. What?

"Because he slapped my face with a spatula before I ran out." Not entirely a lie, but I don't want Asher to get hurt. "I can't be brave all the time."

"True. But you can be encouraged." Marcus said with a grin on his face. I was confused. "Drake. You know what to do."

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