Chapter 17

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Asher's POV

"Jay. Wake up." I shook Jayden, while driving down the road towards my house. He groaned and slapped my hand away. "Jayden. If you don't wake up right now, I will never have sex with you again." He shot up immediately. I raised my head high, I knew it'd get him up. "Where am I driving?" I asked him. I decided to try to get him to take me to his house, without him knowing. Sort of...

"Huh?" Was all he responded. I rolled my eyes and parked the car, on the side of the road. I didn't see any other cars on the road, so it was fine. I took my seat belt off and put the car in park. I climbed on top of Jayden's sleeping figure, and stood up as high as I could go with the roof, and I dropped on top of Jayden's dick. "Ughn." He shot up, just to fall back down. I leaned down, and toyed with his hair, while at the same time sucking on his ear. I knew that drove him crazy.

"Wake up." I whispered seductively in his ear. I recieved a moan, and shift from him. "At least tell me where you live, so I don't have to drive you around all night." I said getting annoyed. He shook his head no. "Why not? I've never been to your house before." I whined.

"I did that for a reason." Jayden said. I pouted and pulled away, acting like a child. I crossed my arms, and stared straight ahead at nothing. I felt Jayden's arms come around me, and I turned my head to the side. "Oh come on love. Dont do that to me." I shifted my entire body weight away from Jayden. I always got my way. Sooner or later. "Just drive to your house and i'll take my car."  It'd just have to be later.

I turned the car on again, and drove to my house. I had gotten my key back from my sister thank the gods, so I knew the passcode. I typed it in and waited for the gates to swing open. They only opened automatically if it senses a car.

When I reached my house, I opened the car door, and stomped away. "Ash."Jayden whined. I ignored him, and walked down my sidewalk. I almost screamed when two hands came up from behind me. I pushed away and saw Jayden there. I couldn't punch him so I did the next best thing. I teased him. I gripped his shirt in my hands, and slammed my mouth on his. I made sure to make the kiss as sexy as I could.I waited for Jayden's hot moan that he always does, before pulling away.

I walked away without another word. When I was closing the door behind him, he was still in the stance I had left him in. I smiled. Payback was a BITCH!

                *                *                *                *                *                *                *                *

"Asher honey. It's Spring Break, why are you up so early?" My mom asked, as I went past her to the kicthen. The day before, I had taken Lani to an amusement Park, with lost of Clowns. Lani is terrified of clowns. That was Jayden and my payback for ruining our relationship. It was funny too.

"I couldn't sleep." I lied. Jayden had 'slept' over again, and he had to leave before my mom saw him. When I was in the kitchen, I looked through the window and saw Jayden running to my front gate. He climbed over the wall with ease, and before jumping down, he gave me a wink. I smiled. "Hey mom, I'm going to go out for a walk. I'll see you later." She nodded in response not really listening to me, because her show was on.

I went upstairs and packed a duffle bag full of clothes, and money. Jayden was taking me somewhere for break, and he told me to pack only clothes and money. I didn't argue. I was excited. I told Lani that Jayden and I were back together, and I broke up our friendship. She was upset, and so was I. She tried ruining my chance at happiness.She wasn't even sorry. It pissed me off.

I threw my duffle bag over my shoulder, and I walked back downstairs to see my mother answering a jeopardy question like she was on the show.I chuckled and exited the house.

6 months earlier, I had gotten my licence. I could finally drive! I drove my car to the park, and got out. I started strolling to where Jayden told me to meet him. The spot I had showed him, when he told me about Lani. My spot. Our spot.

I arrived there in only a few minutes. Jayden wasn't there. I waited for a little while, before I saw his head pop out of the bushes. "I'm sorry I'm late. My grandparents wouldn't get out of the way quick enough." He pulled me in for a quick kiss, before taking my hand and leading me to his truck.

"Can you tell me where we are going now?" I asked, in Jayden's truck. He just shook his head no. I groaned and sat back. "But I don't like surprises."

"You liked me." Jayden said sweetly. I stuck my tounge out at him. "Plus it's a surprise, everyone likes surprises." I pouted, and turned to the window. "Your such a child. Just enjoy the ride." I looked at Jayden, and he was smirking. I knew in that instant that where he was taking me, was for sex...

Two hours later

"Ash, love. Wake up, we're here."I was shaken. I groaned, and swatted at Jayden's hand. I had fallen asleep sometime during the drive on the highway. I was really tired, so it wasn't hard falling asleep. "Come on." Jayden grunted, lifting me up from my seat. I woke up immediately.

"NOOO!!" I screamed, pushing away from Jayden. I was afraid of hurting him. I heard how he carried me up the stairs that night. "I'm up. I'm up..." I saw the hurt look on Jayden's face, and I felt guilty. I got out of the car, and looked around at where we were. It was the most expensive hotel in our state. I stared at Jayden. How could he afford this.

"I got some help from your mom. I told her that she didn't have to, but she insisted." Jayden turned pink. "She said we needed a little time alone. And to uhm... Use protection..." I face palmed. Jayden cleared his throat embarrassed. I smiled and got our bags out of the car. Jayden offered to help, but I declined. He took me here, so the least I could do was carry the bags. "I'll go check us in." I nodded.

I took a look around the lobby, and I unintetionally gasped. The entire place, looked so elegant and beautiful. Great. Now I sounded like a girl.

"It's all set. Let's go." I follow Jayden up the stairs to the second story elevator, and pressing the button we heard a ding. I smiled as Jayden gently pushed me inside the elevator, going up to our hotel room. I couldn't wait.

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