Chapter 21

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 I think this may be the last chapter for my first book. Sorry if you're disappointed but, there will be a book 2!! I'm getting started on it right away! Enjoy this Chapter. I will put the name of book 2 at the bottom.  

At one point, I had fallen asleep. I dreamt about Jayden and I as adults. We were married and had 4 kids. 2 Boys and 2 girls. Their names were Amelia, Jackson, Harper, and Beyla. Amelia and Jackson were twins.

Jayden and I were living in this beautiful mansion with butlers, and maids, and the kids had their friends. Everyone was happy. Then Jayden joined the army. He left without talking about his decision with the family, and I was left taking care of my kids.

Later in life I had received a letter. It was from the Service. Jayden was pronounced missing. He had disappeared. I was devastated. And the worst of it all, was that I had to tell the kids that Daddy wasn't coming home.

I cried for years. Then one day, I met someone. Someone who cared for me, and loved me almost as much as Jayden. He helped me with my kids and didn't mind at all that I had any. We were scheduled to be married.

The night before the wedding, my doorbell rang. I went to open it, but Beyla had beat me to it. I ran to the door, when I heard her scream. She was hugging a man, in a raggedy robe, and sandals. His hair was a long hot mess, and the man was red. When the man pulled away, I saw who it was. Jayden had come home. I stood shocked in my living room doorway. Jayden looked up at me, and I saw tears in his eyes. Tears had already fallen down my face. I had forgotten about the man behind me.

He was furious. My fiancé was enraged, and he almost took it out on my kids. But Jayden was there and he stopped it all. The man went to jail, and I never heard from him again. I rushed Jayden with hugs and kisses. I was overjoyed that he had come home to me. But I was embarrassed that I had another man while he was gone. Jayden understood though.

That night, Jayden and I had slept on the couch, watching movies with our kids. They had fallen asleep and Jayden and I were the only  ones left awake. He had taken a shower and cut his hair. He also changed his clothes into something cleaner.

We spent the entire night watching movies, and cuddling together. I couldn't stop staring because I thought it was unreal. He kissed me on my lips, and told me he loved me, and he would never leave me again. I believed him.

Then I woke up.

* * * * * * * * * * My back was sore, and tight. My neck was turned to the side, and I had knots. I stood up and stretched my back. I walked out of the bathroom quietly and looked around to see if Jayden had come back. He hadn't.  I was left alone. I looked at the desktop clock, and it read 5:26pm. Jayden left around 12:00. He had been gone for almost 5 hours. Did he leave me? I got angry. He left me!

I grabbed my suitcase, and packed all of my belongings inside. I reach up to my neck, and felt along for the necklace Jayden had given me. But I never got it back. He still had it.

I zipped my suitcase, and made my way out the door. I walked into the elevator and pressed the lobby button. I was making it easier on him to go. So he wouldn't have to see my face, when he left. Pulling out my phone, I called my mom to come and get me. Until then, I was walking home. She'd see me on her way here, and she'd pick me up.

I walked out of the hotel, and started to the highway. But I was stopped. "Ash, baby I'm over here." I heard my mom's voice from a car next to me. My mom was already there? How the hell did she get there so fast? Did she speed? "I was visiting Aunt Arianna. Hop in." I climbed into my moms car and threw my suitcase in the back seat. "Want to tell me what's going on?" I just shook my head, and buckled my seat belt.

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