Chapter 10

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Asher's POV

I woke up extra early to make Lani and Jayden a breakfast. I made waffles and pancakes with butter and syrup cooked in. I went upstairs to wake up Lani. She was still lying on the floor with blankets, but it looked like she had gotten more of my pillows off of my bed.

I gently shook her, but when she didn't wake up I went full on. I made it feel like an earthquake. She woke up holding the baseball bat that I keep under my bed. I laughed and told her breakfast was ready.

I hobbled down stairs and out the back door to Jayden. I crawled in through the bush and hopped over to him.

I sat down next to his head, and whispered his name. He didn't move at first. I did it again, louder this time. Nothing.

"Jayden? You gotta wake up, you have school today," I felt like my mom in the morning with me. I gently shook him. "Jayden, come on." I went on.

"Ash I just wanna sleep," He whispered. "Here with you," My face went pink. Jayden grabbed my waist and pulled my on top of him, hugging me gently.

I blushed and pulled back, standing up. I took his hand and pulled him with me. Even though I had the cast I could still lift him.

"Come on sleeping beauty, let's go." I said walking out of the bush, towards the house. When we got inside Jayden whooped and ran to the kitchen. I laughed at him.

I followed him in, and I saw Lani sitting at the island with my bed sheet around her. I took the plates of waffles and pancakes, and set them down in front of Lani and Jayden. I grabbed the syrup out of the fridge in case they wanted to put anymore on.

Jayden sat down with a plate in front of him and ate like crazy. He took 4 pancakes and 2 waffles and they were gone in 3 minutes. He can eat like a caveman.

I looked at the clock and it said 4:26. they had to leave in 2 hours. I pushed them upstairs. Lani always kept spare clothes at my house in case she 'accidentally' slept over. I went to get some clothes from my dad's old chest for Jayden.

Lani got dressed in my bathroom, and Jayden got dressed in my room. I had never seen him with no shirt on. His chest was shaved clean, and he had a lot of muscles. I wondered how he hadn't crushed me when we hugged.

He caught me staring at him, and I quickly looked away feeling my face get hot. He chuckled and came to sit next to me. Without a shirt. I didn't look at him, afraid that my mouth was going to drop. He took my hand in his and held it tight. I had to look.

When I turned my head he smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. He pulled me to him, and kissed my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist, and we stayed there for a minute.

I looked at the clock behind him and saw that it said 6:23. I pulled back and rushed him to finish getting ready. All the while calling Lani to hurry up before she's late.

"Lani I can go! My leg is fine and I have the crutches! Plus I'll have you and Jayden you help me out if I need it. Which I won't," I said hobbling down the stairs.

"Come on Lani, I help him out, we have most of our classes together, and the ones we don't have together you and him do. Come on, I can't go without him. No. I won't go without him." Jayden said taking my hand.

"Fine! Brake your leg some more, but I won't be there to pop it back into place." She said walking out the door, to Jayden's car. I smiled and turned to Jayden.

"Thanks," I said kissing his cheek and trailing behind Lani. When I was going down the stairs, I felt Jayden's hand on my back guiding me to make sure I don't fall. I'm seriously lucky to have him in my life.

We made our way to the school, Jayden and I in the front, with Lani pouting in the back.

"You know, I still don't think it's a good idea for you to be coming to school so early after your accident. Don't you remember what the doctor said? If you hurt your leg anymore you'll need a wheel chair." Lani went on.

"Don't worry. If you do need a wheel chair, I'll be there to push you wherever you need to go." Jayden whispered to me, putting his hand on my knee. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

We got to the school around 6:52. We had 8 minutes to get inside and to our home room. Jayden and Lani basically ran to homeroom. I didn't really need to because I had crutches. I had an excuse for being late.

We got in just before the bell rang, and the teacher came in. He told us we were cutting it close, and that he was glad I was feeling better. That made me feel really akward.

Last period Jayden and I weren't really paying any attention to the class, we were passing notes to each other.

J: How are you feeling?

A: I'm fine. It's just a little sore.

J: Are you sure? I feel horrible...

A: Jayden stop, it's not your fault. I should have been watching where I was going.

J: No Asher. You wouldn't even be hurt if I hadn't said that SHIT.

Jayden stood up and walked right out of the classroom. I raised my hand and asked to be excused. It's not Jayden's fault that I wasn't paying attention. Even if he didn't say those things, I would have forgotten where I was and done the exact same thing.

I followed Jayden out to the parking lot to his truck. Before he could open his door I ran as fast as I could with the crutches, and stood in his way. His eyes were watery and his hands were shaking. He stuck them in his pockets and shifted from foot to foot. Looking everywhere, but my eyes.

"Jayden," I finally said, trying to get his attention. He still didn't look at me. He turned to try to walk away, but I lifted my crutch in front of im, to tell him to stop. "Jayden."

"No Asher. I can't do this. It's my fault that your hurt. It's my fault that you need crutches. It's my fault that you have bruises all over your body." He yelled turning back to me. "Everything that happened to you, is because of me. I'm to blame."

A tear fell down his face. I reached up to whipe it, and he moved away from my hand. I felt a little hurt, but I knew it was becaue he feels horrible about this. Even though it's not his fault.

I took his hand from his pocket and held it with mine. I took my other hand and turned his face to me.

"This is not your fault." I said. He opened his mouth to speak, but I raised my hand. "Even if you hadn't said those things, I would have been stupid enough to not pay attention to where I was going and still walk in front of that car."

"Asher-" I grabbed his collar and pulled him to me, smashing our lips together.

He pushed my back to the car, and to my face in his hands. I could hear my crutches falling to the ground, but I didn't care. I wanted this. I wanted Jayden to kiss me. I wanted him to wrap his arms around me. I wanted him.

Jayden pulled away breathing heavily. He touched our foreheads together and sighed. I missed that. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his nose.

"Asher, I've messed up so much in my life, but I'm not gonna mess this up. I care too much about you." Jayden said closing his eyes.

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to go, but we had to get back to class. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and pciked up my crutches.

"Asher? Can I come over tonight?" He asked, before I could walk away. I smiled.

"Of course," I said nodding my head to the building. He smiled and came following behind me. The look on his face told me what he wanted to tell me must be important.

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