Chapter 20

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I played with Jayden's hair, messing it up. It still looked cute, while he slept. He looked adorable, snuggling into my arms. I had been playing around with his hands, hair, and cheeks. The cheeks on his face, I might add. They were just so chubby! I couldn't help it. I chuckled quietly to myself.

At one point, I had taken the melted ice out of Jayden's butt. He had stopped shaking a few minutes after. I tried not to laugh as I looked at it, trying to see if it was still red, but it had gone back to it's normal color. Crawling back into bed, I lied down, and smiled to myself, when Jayden had found me in his sleep. He wrapped his arms around my waist and slept on my shoulder. This was the most amazing break for me. But If Jayden didn't wake up soon, It'd be over before it began.

"Jay?" I whispered, shaking him a little. He moved a little, but he didn't wake. I tried again. "Jayden." I said, in a normal voice. He moaned. I started getting agitated. "Jayden!" I said raising my voice. Nothing. "Jayden!" I screamed, pinching his nose, so he couldn't breath.

"AHH!" He screamed, shooting up. "What?" He calmed down, and took a few deep breaths before, laying back in my arms. "I'm tired. Can we just sleep here. Together?" He engulfed me in his warmth, and closed his eyes again.

"No." I whined. "I wanna do stuff!" Jayden looked down at me and smirked. "Not that stuff dumbass!" I yelled, pushing out of Jayden's grasp. He grabbed my waist and pinned me under him, on the bed. "Jayden." My whining didn't do anything but make him come closer.

"You're cute when you whine. Do it again." He said seductively. I pouted. He grinned at me and chuckled. "That pout isn't going to help you."

"Let me go! Jayden." I said, thinking of a way out. And I think I had just found one. "Is your butt feeling better? Or do you need more ice?" Jayden's face dropped, and he blushed. His weight lightened just enough for me to slide out and make my way to the balcony.

"Ash!" Jayden warned. I opened the doors, and walked out. The balcony showed the beach, just behind the hotel. It was so breath taking, that I forgot about Jayden. He had come up behind me and held me close to him by my waist. "It's beautiful isn't it?"

"It is." I answered him. I covered his hands with my own and leaned back on him. "Thank you for taking me here Jayden." I turned around to face him.

"You deserve it. For taking care of me, having faith in me. You are always there for me, even when I know I don't deserve it. You trust me, and love me like not even my family could. I should be thanking you, so thank you." I smiled. I gave Jayden a short kiss, before he whispered to me, "I love you Asher."

I touched our foreheads together gently and replied. "I love you too Jayden." He smiled, and gave me an adorable butterfly kiss. I chuckled, and blushed a little. He was so adorable! I shifted to Jayden's side and looked out at the beach. There was no one there, because it was early in the morning. I looked at the desk clock and it read, 9:56. Okay so it wasn't that early. But it was early for teens. I went back into the hotel room.

Changing into my bathing suit, I grabbed one of the two room keys, and ran outside. The sand felt amazing on my bare feet. I walked to the waters edge, and took in the scenery. I put my room key on a beach chair that was set out for customer use, and walked slowly into the water. It was cool on my legs. I walked until I was waist high in the water.

The current was slow, and steady. I was happy and peaceful, then Jayden came screaming into the water like a child. I groaned and fell under, before he could reach me.

"Ash?" I heard a muffled voice from above the water. I had swam a few meters away towards the rock wall. Popping back above the water, I took a few breaths and watched unhidden as Jayden looked around for me. I started laughing really loud when he pouted and put his hands on his hips. He turned so quickly that he tripped and fell into the water. I let out a short scream, before diving into the water and swimming towards where he fell in. He wasn't there.

I came above sea level, and looked around for movement in the water, but of course because I was moving I could see only mine. "Jayden?!" I yelled into the water. I started panicking. What if he hit his head on a rock? What if he slipped and can't find his way above water? What if I lose him? "Jayden?" I whispered. My eyes were starting to get blurred. Jayden.

I screamed when I felt arms consume me from behind, I instinctively swung my elbow backwards and made contact. I turned in the water, almost falling, and saw Jayden there crouched over holding his side. I gasped and pulled him into me. "Jayden, you scared me." I whispered into his hair. My face was turned into his neck, and since he went under water, his hair was wet too and covering my face.

I pulled away and cupped his face in my hands. Then I remembered what I had done. I looked down to where Jayden was holding, and I moved his hand slowly. It was purple. It was already bruised. "Oh, Jayden I'm so sorry." I whispered. I didn't know why, but I didn't want to talk any louder. As if I'd ruin the moment.

I brushed my fingers gently over the bruise, and pushed Jayden closer to shore. When we were close enough to the point where our heads wouldn't be under water, I sat Jayden down. The water should've helped make the pain go away. When I finally looked up at Jayden, he was staring intently at my eyes. "I-I'm sorry about t-the bruise." I stuttered, unable to look anywhere other than his eyes. Jayden gently ran his fingers along my cheek, pushing my damp hair out of my face.

"I wouldn't want anyone else to hurt me. With you, I know I'll heal." Jayden whispered. My heart skipped a beat. "I love you Asher."

"I love you Jayden." I said, succeeding in keeping my voice from cracking. Jayden looked from me to my lips. I bit my lip, and waited for him. He didn't move. I took Jayden's other hand in mine and squeezed it lightly. He still didn't move. Instead, a single tear fell from his eye. My eyes widened, and I wiped it away. "Jayden I'm so sorry." I apologized once more. Jayden shook his head slowly.

"It doesn't hurt anymore Asher. Not the bruise." Jayden said, caressing my cheek. I was confused. "I'm sorry." Jayden stood and walked away, towards the hotel. I looked after him, shocked. What just happened?

I stood and followed him, grabbing the room key off of the chair. "Jayden!" I called, as he stepped into the building. He didn't look back. He ran straight to the elevator. I took the stairs, taking them two at a time. I tried going as fast as I could, but I kept tripping. Finally exhausted I made it to the eighth floor. It was a good thing I was in shape. I pushed through the stair's door, just as our hotel room's door closed. I ran to our room, and tried the door handle, but I had forgotten about the room key. I put it in the lock and turned the handle. I heard a click and I walked inside the room.

"Jayden." I called as I walked in. I saw him sitting on the bed with his face in his hands. He was calm, but I could tell he was upset. "Jayden?" I walked to him, and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He returned the hug, and pulled me by my waist onto his lap. "Jay, what's wrong?"

Jayden hid his face in my neck, so I wouldn't be able to look in his eyes. "I gave the money to the dealers." I stiffened. Jayden gave the money to them? That meant he could go home. "I'm out of debt now." They'll leave him alone.

"You can go home now." I said. I knew he didn't want to admit it, but he could. I took a deep breath and pushed away my sorrow. "When are you leaving?" I looked anywhere but Jayden. I could see from the corner of my eye that he was looking up at me worriedly. Wait a minute... "Is that why you brought me here? To be together, then you would just leave?" I started getting annoyed, but I quickly calmed down. "Were you even going to tell me before?" That time I had to look at him, he looked away. He wasn't. I stood up, suddenly feeling naked, and I went and changed into some clothes. The run from the stairs left me dry and cold.

"Asher." Jayden called as I locked myself in the bathroom. "Asher please come out. I don't want to spend this time like this." He wanted to be with me until he left. I understood, he missed his family. But he told me he loved me. He still wants to go? "Asher." Jayden whispered.

I crawled into the bathtub, and cried silently as I heard the hotel room door close. He left. I hugged my legs to my body as I cried. I loved him so much. Why did he have to leave me?

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