Chapter 6

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Asher's POV

The next few weeks have gotten easier. With no bullying. Not too strong Jayden feelings. And Lani had gotten bored of school, so she's calm and quiet now. Jayden and I finished our project, and he didn't need to come to my house anymore. But that didn't stop him from coming. Sometimes I told my mom to tell him that I was Taking a shower, or working in her garden, or Skateboarding at a friends. And sometimes I had no choice but to let him in.

I'm sitting in his truck about to walk out to my house when Jayden stops me.

"Ash, I wanted to know if you," He paused. I thought I knew where this was going. I didn't like it. I didn't want to be right. "Will you go out with me?" He finished. I sighed and groaned. "Is something wrong?"

"No no it's fine. I- I don't know. I'm sorry," I said climbing out of the truck and running inside. I grabbed my phone from my pack and called Lani.

"Lani what the Hell?! Oh My god! He just- then I- and then I- Ugh," I babbled into the phone.

"Woah woah wait. What happened? And talk slowly." She yelled. I replayed everything that happened in Jayden's truck, and when I finished Lani went silent.

"Oh My gosh! You have to! Forget what I said before, say yes, say yes, say yes!" She went on. I tuned her out and layed my head on my pillow. I don't know why she just had a change in heart. But I didn't care. Having Lani's approval, is like being able to take over the world.

I smiled at the thought, but immeadiately earased it. Jayden, whether or not he really likes me, is a player. Always has been, always will be. I figured that if he's a player, then why would he change for me?

"Lani," I said cutting her off. I had forgotten that she was still talking. "I'm going to say no." I told her. I heard a loud why over the phone, and sighed. "Because, he's a player, and players never change. You should know that." I said, hanging up, before she could whine anymore in my ear.


It's been a few days since I've seen Jayden. I haven't really talked to him since that night. Lani is supposed to come over and yell at me for not going out with him, even though she was the one who told me not to in the first place.

I hear the doorbell ring and jump up, run downstairs and open the door. Only to find Lani standing there with Jayden behind her. I felt like slapping her in the head. Lani pushed through the door and pulled Jayden in.

"Ok Ash come here now!" She yelled from the living room. When she's like this, I don't talk back. I walked into the living room and threw myself on the couch. "Tell him why you said no, right now. Or you will force me to," I shoved my face in the couch pillow. "Fine."

"Ash told me the other day, that you're a player. He said that you'd never change and if you won't change, then why bother." She said sitting down on my back. "Now do you need to say something to Ash? Jayden?" She said bouncing on my back.

"Yeah I do," He chuckled. I heard him shuffle over to my head. "Asher, I know what you think. I am a player, I've always been one, but I'm serious about you. I will never hurt you. I really like you Asher. Just give me a chance to show you that, and if I hirt you -which I wont- you can punch me in the face."

I lift my head and stare at him. That was the most I've ever heard hom say, since I met him.

I couldn't say anything. I was shocked. He really was serious. I smiled and nodded. Jayden and I hugged. Lani squealed bouncing on my back. I rolled over and fell pn the floor. It was my turn to laugh. She groaned and threw my legs off the couch so she could sit down.

If he did hurt me, I wouldn't miss the opportunity to punch him in the face, just like he said.

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