Chapter 8

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Jayden's POV

I'm sitting in a waiting room with Asher's mom, sister, and Lani, at the hospital. Asher over heard me say that I didn't like him. He ran outside before I could explain. I followed him and when I got outside I saw a car racing towards Asher. I called out his name, but he ignored me and stepped out into the road.

I ran to him, holding back tears from forming in my eyes. I yelled at Jax to go get Lani, and I pulled out my cell and called 911.

It was my fault he was in the hospital. Why didn't I just say that I really did like him? I wish that I didn't even come to Oakland. If I hadn't Asher wouldn't be in there.

The doctor came out of the room Asher was in, and walked over to us. Immediately we all stood up and gathered around him to wait for his answer.

"Asher is going to be fine. He has a minor concussion, and a broken leg. A few bruises and cuts, but he'll be fine. You can visit him in a few hours he needs his rest." After that he walked away writing something on his clipboard.

"What happened?" Lani finally asked coming to me with anger in her eyes. "What the hell did you do?"

"I was talking to my friend Jax, he had asked me if I was really into Asher," I paused and sat down. "I said no." I finished. Lani's eyes went wide, and her hand connected with my face.I deserved that. "I didn't mean it Lani." I said in a calm voice. Not looking at their faces.

"Then why the fuck did you say it?!" She yelled, drawing attention from everyone else in the Hospital. She didn't care though. I didn't care. I wanted him to be alright. My eyes started to get watery. I tried to hold it back but I couldn't. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I jumped up and ran. I heard Lani calling after me, but I couldn't turn back. Not after she saw me cry. How could I let my guard down?

Asher's POV

I hear a beeping sound. My head is throbbing. I try to open my eyes, but I can't. I lift my arm to see what's going on with them, and I groan. I forgot, it hurts to move.

"Steady there Ash," It was Lani. "The doctor said to go slow when you wake up. You might feel a little pain." She chuckled. "I know you can't open your eyes, so I'll tell you what's going on. The doctor said your leg was broken, you have cuts all the way up your left arm, and you have bruises all the way down your left leg. Oh and by the way, your left leg is the one that's broken." She said.

I rolled my eyes, but she couldn't see because they were closed. I willed them to open, and my vision was blurry.

"Here, the doctor said you might need these when you woke." Lani said handing me something big and round. It shone in the light. I realized that they were glasses.

I groaned and moved my head away so she couldn't put them on me. "Come on Ash, they'll look cute on you. I even picked them out. And don't worry, they aren't those kind of glasses you see in harry potter." She assured me.

I let her put them on me and I could see again. She held a mirror up to my face, and I saw that I actually looked good in glasses. They were the kind where you think they're fake, but they're not. I liked it, especially because they're pine green. My favorite color.

When I looked up, I saw that Lani was thinking. She rarely made a face when she was thinking.

"Lani? I'm gonna be fine," I said. She shook her head and turned away.

"It's not that you're injured. It's just, earlier when you were non-conscious," She paused. I laughed. she always said non-conscious instead of unconscious, no matter what the situation was. "Your mom and I were in the waiting room. With Jayden." My heart stopped.

"I had yelled at him saying what did he do. He told me what happened and what you heard. He didn't tell me why. He ran out crying before he got the chance. I had never seen him cry before. I'm going to try to find out why he did this, and if it's a good reason then I'll come back and tell you. It's your choice if you forgive him or not." She said hugging me gently, and then walking out of the room.

"Oh and your mom said, she wanted to be here, but she couldn't bear the sight of you sitting in a hospital bed all broken. she said she loves you," She said in the door way. "I love you too Ash, get better OK?" She said walking out.

11:00pm Saturday

I woke up to the hospital door opening. The lights were off so I couldn't tell who it was. I could tell it was a guy, because of his structure. I had a bad feeling that it was Jayden. I hoped not.

"Asher. Your awake," It was Jayden. He ran over to me, and was about to hug me but restrained himself. He was closer this time, I could tell that he had been crying. Lani was right, he had cried. He looked away and sighed.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. In the hallway I know you heard me say all of the stupid shit, but Asher I promise, I didn't mean it," He turned to me when he said this. His eyes started to get watery, he turned away again.

 "Then why did you say it?" I asked turning to the window. The blinds were open, and I could see the moon and the stars. I bet Lani did that. She knows how much I love to look at the sky at night. It was a full moon tonight, and there were hundreds of stars out.

"Asher please believe me. I don't know what I was thinking when I said that. I guess I got nervous when you-" He didn't finish. "Never mind. I'm so sorry Ash," He said turning to a corner. His breaths got heavy, he was trying to not cry.

"When I what?" I said still not looking at him, but throwing my voice over my shoulder. I was able to move my arms and right leg now so I could sit up. I still had to go slow.

"I-" he stuttered. "It- it doesn't matter now. I know you'll never forgive me. Just punch me in the face right now, like I promised." He said running over to me, he sat on his knees next to the hospital bed staring at me.

His eyes were red from him crying. Tears were still falling down his cheeks. He tried to quickly wipe them away, but they kept coming. I took his hand in mine, and wiped his tears away with my other. He held my hand tight.

"Tha- That's not a punch." He muttered. I gave him a small smile. I could tell he was hurting. I wanted to know why he was nervous. I was going to find out.

"When I what?" I asked again. He stared at me for a minute before answering.

"Asher. Whenever I'm around you, I get so nervous that my mind goes blank for words. When I said those things, I didn't know why, but after I said it I immediately regretted it. Not because I saw you run by, but because I actually do really like you. I guess my past just wouldn't let me accept that." He said rubbing his thumb over my hand.

I didn't know what happened with his past, but it must have been really bad for him. I carefully leaned forward and kissed his forehead. When I pulled back, his mouth was a gape, and his eyes were wide. I chuckled. I looked at the clock on the wall, and realized that it 12:14am. How did he get in here? Visiting hours were over 3 hours ago.

"How did you get in here? Visiting hours ended 3 hours ago." I asked aloud. He chuckled and lowered his head.

"I have my ways. Maybe I'll teach you one day, if you forgive me." He said standing. I didn't let go of his hand. He tried to walk away, but I still didn't let go. I used all of my strength to pull him back to me. He came back, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. First he was hesitant, but then he wrapped his arms around me, gently enough as if he'd brake me.

"I do forgive you Jayden." I whispered against his hair. His arms got tighter around me. My back started hurting, but I didn't want him to stop hugging me. He was warm. I felt his heart beat against my chest. boom, boom, boom.

I understood. He was scared of his feelings. I was like that once. I won't punish him, because his past was shitty. It's not his fault. It will never be his fault.

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