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TW- I added one of Maddys bruise pictures.

When we woke up me and Maddy were getting ready. Ever since we got home from the carnival the whole weekend she was wearing a hoodie to cover her neck and her hair down as well. "So what happened after you did that to bat and his family." "Nothing we talked and that was it" "you sure" "yes I'm fucking sure"

we walked into school and mar went up to us. "What are you, the Unabomber?" "What are you, a dominatrix?" Maddy said back "No" "I didn't mean for real, bitch." "Obviously. Seriously, are you okay?" "Yeah, I just have my period."

Me and Maddy had the same first class. Amazing right. One of my best friends and we have the same class. But unfortunately, our class was in the upper left wing of the school.

"Is the air conditioner like, not working?" Maddy said out loud. "It's broken. You could always take off your hoodie."

Now, if it was a normal day, Maddy would have just taken off her hoodie. But since Nate choked her... Maddy woke up three hours early, applied more concealer than a burn victim, and tried her best to cover up. To compound the problem, she also suffered from a drop in serotonin from the Molly she took at the carnival. Got depressed, and therefore hadn't had anything to eat or drink the entire weekend. Plus, she actually was on her period.

"Maddy? Maddy?" "She's in here!"

Maddy sort of blacked out, the heat, her not eating, plus the hoodie on.

I got called into the principals office with BB. "do y'all know why Nate and Maddy were fighting?"
Bb said "Um, I don't wanna talk until I get a lawyer." I wanted to laugh but I couldn't. Principle hayes said "You're not being charged with anything." "Look. Nate's gay." My eyes widened I can't believe she just said that.

"I'm being serious, Barbara." "No, I'm telling you, Nate's actually gay. That's why Maddy was upset." "Do you know why Gianna?" "No" "well I was told you are staying with her." "And?" "Doesn't she tell you everything" "no" "okay you guys aren't helpful so please go" we both dipped and started laughing.

Maddy asked me to come with her to the police station to keep her company so I obviously went. "Hi Maddy, I'm detective Riley. I understand this is traumatic, but you're going to have to cooperate." Some lady walked in and started talking.

"If you literally step any closer I will fight you. "Miss, this is procedure, I need you to remove your sweater now. And if you don't, we will remove it for you." Oh god "Really, bitch? How?"

They started to handcuff her down and she starting crying. I literally wanted to go and hug her but I wasn't allowed I had to stay in a corner just keep her company. "This is crazy!" "Take a deep breath, take a deep breath. Look, we don't wanna hurt you." The detective told her. "Get off of me." Maddy said continuing her cry's. This is the first time I've seen her cry. "Maddy, please." I said and she turned her head looking at me with glossy eyes.

They started to cut her sweater off and wipe the tons of makeup she had on off. How could I miss her crying or her getting up early to put makeup on. After they took the makeup off they started to take pictures of her neck. She looked so drain, no more tears could come out. "I know you're really upset right now, and you don't want to hear this. But trust me when I tell you that the person that did this... ...doesn't love you."

After that they let Maddy go

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After that they let Maddy go. I still stayed at Maddys because she didn't want me to leave. I could tell she felt alone now more then ever. The next day we went to school and we were at her locker and Cassie walked up to us.

"What dick pics?" Maddy acted clueless but I was there when she told Cassie. "The ones you told me about, on his phone." "I don't know if your brain is all scrambled from all the Molly you take. But I never said that. If you ever spread a lie like that, I will fucking come for you. We good? "Yeah"

Truth was Maddy wasn't doing well. Over the course of the last five days, Maddy had sent Nate a total of 273 text messages. None of which he answered. Plus, everyone in her life was against her. She got into arguments with her mom over what happened when Gianna wasn't there but at my house. She called kat but kat was busy more like trying to have a booty call. If Gianna knew that Maddy needed someone to talk to she would easily stop to go to Maddy. That's the thing with her she puts everyone first and doesn't leave time for herself.

"I got to go to class but I'll see you later right mads?" "Yeah uh you still sleeping over tonight?" "Of course my love I'll stay for however long you'd like." "I love you, thank you" "duh"

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