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The door opens and miss dramatic cassie comes walking down with her titties all bouncing and shit. Doing her lil catwalk down the way.

She starts clapping as she walked on stage "Lexi, you really outdid yourself. I mean... where did she find these knock-offs. I had no idea that my sister had this in her. Good job, right? Isn't she brave? She's up here, unpacking all of her trauma. I had no idea how hard your life was, Lexi. Can we give a round of applause for how hard Lexi's life is?" 

Lexi comes out begging cassie to stop until cassie says "I should stop? Me? I'm not the one putting on a play to humiliate and embarrass you!" "I didn't do that." "Oh, really?!" Cassie yells out

Then suze comes on stage. "Hi, everyone. I'm Suze. I'm the girls' mom in real life. Um, played by Ethan. Where is he? Ethan? Who by the way... he... you have me down to a, to a, to a science, honey." She try's to get cassie to go home but she starts a fuss.

"Lexi, I'm going to fսck¡ng kill you. I deserve this, right? Because I've actually lived a life? I'm the one who falls in love? I'm the one who gets hurt, not you, Lexi! You never even fսck¡ng lived! That's why you're able to stand up here and judge all of us! You're just a fսckin' bystander." Cassie starts going on a rant. The audience starts booing her.

"Okay. Well if that makes me a villain then so fucking be it, I can play the fucking villain."

"Lexi, is this the part of the play where I steal Jake from Marta?" "No, Cassie, that's not in the play." Lexi tells her "It is now!" Maddy  yells out.

"Wait, Hallie steals Marta's boyfriend?" A random says from the audience. This is getting fucking good I thought to myself. "I don't know how many times I have to say this. They were not fսcking together." Cassie says "Yeah, not only that, but she was fսcking him the entire time Marta was talking about getting back together with him." Maddy yells "No... Why?"

"Because Hallie is a two-faced cսոt." Maddy says looking directly at cassie. "I'm not a cսոt! You're the cսոt!" "You're the fucking cunt bitch!"

"$3.25 for a grapefruit? What is this, Venezuela?" Kats person came saying the most random shit ever.

Then carnival music starts playing. "Oh, my God, yes! Oh, that's it! Oh, my God, I just love fսcking everything!" Then Cassie starts screaming and going crazy. "No! I'm going to fսcking kill you!Get the fսck off of the horse." "Ow!" "Get off! Get off! You fսck¡ng b¡tch!" Cassie starts pushing her actor down. Then Maddy runs on the stage and slaps cassie.

"DAMN" I yell out laughing. "BEAT HER ASS MADDY!" Me and bb yell out at the same time. Suze yells to close the curtains and I go to the back and see Lexi crying as me and the girl comfort her. She gains confidence and goes back on stage.

"Lexi, Lexi, Lexi!" I see rue slump down her chair and start chanting lexi and I join in. Soon enough everyone joined in and starts cheering for her. "Lexi, Lexi, Lexi! Lexi, Lexi, Lexi! Lexi, Lexi, Lexi! Lexi, Lexi," then lex comes on stage and gives a speech.

"I just wanted to thank you all for being here. I didn't know any of that was gonna happen, uh... A little bit ago, I was talking to my 2 friends about this play, and I asked them... "What if I upset people?" And one of them  said to me, "Sometimes, people need to get their feelings hurt." Um... so even though he couldn't be here with us tonight the other one is so.. this one's for you Gianna!" I smile and wink at her. I know she was also talking about fez and I'm sad he isn't here I don't know why he's not.

I look down at my phone and seen I got a text message from Faye 20 minutes ago.

My gf bby💟
I am so sorry Gianna. I love you and appreciate everything you've done for me.  Come over as soon as you see this.

I see the text message and show rue. I start freaking out and she tells me to just go and she'll update me later. It's a 15 minute drive from here to fez and I don't know what's going on. She didn't specify and I'm scared to see what happened. You never know with fez and ash.

Once I get to the parking lot I panic and start my car and leave really fast. After like 13 minutes I got to fezcos house and I see police all up in the front door. I start to wonder what the actual fuck.

I make my way to the back door and it was surprisingly open. I sneak in and I hear fez yelling at ash to open the door. I see faye standing in front of the front door.

"What the fuck. What is happening right now?" I say to faye as I stand by her. She moves her hand to her mouth and tells me to shh and whispers she's sorry. I get confused and go to the where the bathroom is.

I go up to fez and tap his shoulder, he turns around and shakes his head. "You shouldn't fuckin be here right now Gianna" "what is happening?" "I'll tell you later but what I need from you is for you to leave. You can't be here Gianna" I say why and he looks over to the living room. I see custers dead body just sitting there and my mouth drops.

"Ash! Ash, open the fսcking door right now!" fezco yells out. I start banging on the door helping fez so ash could get out of the bathroom. I don't know what the fuck is going on but it seems serious.

I hear the police more and more. My heart starts pounding. Out of nowhere I hear the police bang into our home and start running in and break our windows. "Ash! Ash, open the door!" "Ashtray open the fucking door please!"

"Hands in the air!" I hear the police go to Custer first which gives us more time. I don't give a fuck what happens to me, I just don't want to see my now family get hurt. Including faye.

Then I hear police come behind me and fezco. "Hands up! Drop the knife now!" I put my hands up and start backing up. I look over and see fez with a bloody knife that I didn't see before.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot! There's a kid in there!" he drops the knife as we are screaming for them not to fucking shoot.

The first bullet I don't even know who it came from but I drop doing seeing they're shooting recklessly.

What I did know was that ashtray shot fez on accident. He dropped down and I went right by his side. I start taking of his jacket and applying pressure to where he got shot at. As I was doing that he was yelling at them to stop.

I was scared thinking something happened to fez as we yell for them not to shoot. "Please ash" "Come on. Don't shoot he's a fucking kid" I yell out at this point my eyes clouded with tears.

They stop firing and fez and I are yelling at ash to answer us because it went quite. A officer stepped on a letter fez had on the floor and almost broke my leg.

The officer opens the door slowly and yells out. "He's down!" I see him on the ground and then I see him slowly get up and shoot the official.

I stopped myself from laughing because this was serious. I know they were going to shoot and fez was going to watch it. I felt so fucking bad that was his brother who he seen grow up and now he's going to watch him die.

We see as the laser slowly goes from his chest to his third eye. And he breaths quickly and gets shot. I look over to fez "I'm so sorry baby, I love you" I say as I wrap my arms around his body. He wraps his arms around mines and I hear little muffles as if he was trying not to cry.

I felt my own tears come down and I feel my heart drop so damn low. All I could think about was rues speech when her father died. One specific part when she said

I watched you die... and all I could think about was how none of it felt real.

As my head is on fezs shoulder and we're just staring at the door I felt the police grab fezco. On the other side of him police were grabbing me and one of them was to fucking rough but at this moment I didn't care what was happening to me. I cared what was goin to happen to fezco, and faye. I loved ashtray like a little fuckin brother, now he's dead.

I look over at fez as he's getting to the medics "I love you fezco" I tell him "I love you Gianna" he tells me back as we went in separate cars.

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