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Giovanni was just laying down on my bed throwing a ball in the air. I still had my hand on my doorknob and start shaking. "long time no see" he says not even looking towards my way.

I stay silent. "I've missed you" he says looking at me and smiling. He gets up and walks towards me. I tried backing up but he grabbed my arm to walk in my room. He shuts the door and pulls me in for a hug. "I've..uh missed you to" I say telling him what he wanted to hear so he wouldn't hurt me.

I feel my phone buzzing in my back pocket. It was fez. I grab the phone to decline it but gio grabs it from my hands. "Whos this?" He asks. "Uh my boyfriend." I say shakily. He answers it quickly.

"Ma why you not here yet?" He asks me. "I ain't yo ma and she not gonna be heading over there no more Brodie" Giovanni tells fezco. "Who you?" "Her brother." I see his face and body tense up. He must remember what I told him. Giovanni puts me to the camera and puts him arm around my shoulder.

I feel a tear slide down my cheek. I don't know why I was crying. Probably because he could hit me whenever and I couldn't do anything about it. 'Help me' I mouth to the camera. I think gio seen me because he just hung up and faced me. He grabs my body and pushes me to the bed. "Why would you say that Gianna? You know I didn't do SHIT to you" he tells me shaking my body as he's on top of me.

I hear someone walking towards my door. It cracks open just a little but Giovanni doesn't notice. I close my eyes as his arm raises. He made a fist and connected it to my face. Our aunt comes running in here. "LET GO OF HER!" She yells but he pushes her out the way. I see Gia and Rue come in my room. Gia was on the phone with someone and so was rue. I don't blame them for not helping. I don't want them to get hurt.

I was scared he was going to do me as bad as he did mom. "Gianna I love you" he says pulling me in for a hug. "I love you to" I tell him crying. "THEN WHY DID YOU CALL THE COPS!?" He says yelling at me as he slapped me across the face this time. He pulls me up from the bed and pushes everyone out the way. Gia hangs up on whoever she was talking to. "THE COPS ARE ON THEIR WAY GIOVANNI ITS OVER!" She yells out.

"You called the cops?" He says calmly and then repeats it but yelling. He grabs my body and pushes me onto the floor and kicks me. Multiple times. The front door opens and I expect police but it was fez. He runs up to ass and pushes Gio off of me.

I hold my ribs and cough up blood. I've been beaten by Giovanni before but never this bad. Leslie starts running towards my body and says. "It's okay baby, I'm going to take you to the ER" she says rubbing my head. I look to my right and see fez throwing punches at him left and right. "Yo fez we gotta go before you kill him. Cops are on they're way." Rue says to him.

Fez gets up and looks down at Giovanni. "You're a fucking pussy bro" he walks up to me and bends down. He kisses me on the forehead and rubs my cheek. He doesn't say anything to me and he leaves. Rue leaves with him but tells me she'll be waiting at the hospital. As soon as they leave the police come walking in. "Giovanni king you are under arrest for domestic violence" they take him away and somehow I feel guilty for it.

Auntie Leslie helps me get up and I feel weak. She goes into my room to get me some clothes as gia helps me to the car. I walk inside the car and so does gia. Leslie comes and puts my bag into the backseat with me and starts driving. I look out the window just thinking about what would've happened if fez didn't show up.

We make it to the hospital and we go into the ER. They give me a wheelchair and I wait for 20 minutes before being helped. I explain what happened and they tell me my ribs were bruised and that I needed to stay overnight. I didn't understand why but I just listened to them.

It's been 2 hours but gia and Leslie needed to go home and clean up and eat. We said our goodbyes and they left. Luckily my aunt grabbed my phone and I got 4 missed calls from fezzy. I called him back.

"Which hospital are you at?" He asks me "highland" he nods and asks if I was hungry. I told him yeah and he just hung up.

After 45 minutes or some shit my nurse comes in. "There's this ginger and says he's here for you?" "Yeah let him in. Thank you" he comes inside my room with a bag and a teddy bear poking out and then food in the other. I move over in the bed a little so he could sit down. He gives me the food first and i thank him as I dig in. He smiles as he gave me the bear and set it on the nightstand.

Once I finish eating he gave me the second gift. There was 2 boxes in the bag. I grab the first one and it was a thinner silver necklace similar to the one he wears. "Awee" I said smiling. It was so fucking sweet. "This ain't the way I was gonna give it to you but hey" he said putting the chain on my neck.

I smile and I go into the neck box it was a-lot smaller and was a ring box. I open it and it was a pretty ass ring with a heart on it. "It's a promise ring to promise never to break to heart" he almost whispers but it was loud enough. "and I promise to always love you." I look up after he said the second part with a huge smile on my face. "You said what?" I asked making him repeat it.

"I said I love you" he tells me nervously. "I love you" I tell him. He smiles and pulls me in for a meaningful, and passionate kiss. " yo I've been wanting to say that shit for long as fuck" he tells me. I laugh agreeing with him.

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