Chapter 14

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-Charles's pov-
It's been a few days but Maddison has recovered and is training to restore her energy from holding back most of her mutation, we have a few new students and lost a few potential. But as time went on I've seen how close Logan and Maddison are, but as the day went on I've notice Logan acting strange.

-Logan's pov-
The half pint was sitting in the kitchen with me when I saw her looking at me, I asked if I was reading to loud when she told me she was enjoying the quiet. But that was ruined by the other kids but Maddison came in with a torn jacket, leaving her in a black tank top showing her tattoos and some scars. She sat beside me when I asked what happen when she looked down and said, "It's my dads old jacket the tailor had it and it accident got snagged," but I saw she was cold and I took my jacket off and said, "here so your not cold today."

-Maddison's pov-
I went to tell Logan I couldn't but he gave me a small smile and said, "I have a few more just hold on to this till yours is fix ok?" This made me chuckle and I told him deal, but Scott turned the tv on when we saw an attack on a campsite in canda. Logan got up and turned the volume up but he growled and walked out, this had me concerned but I left to sit in the garden. I was thinking about my family when I heard Kitty talking, this had me curious till I quietly followed her to the x-jet. I hide but I saw Logan in his suit heading to the control panel, this had me curious till he took off but I saw Kitty and Kurt hiding a seat up from me when I used my blessing from Blake and froze time around us.

-Kurt's pov-
I told Kitty we had to leave but I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, we looked behind us and saw Ms Maddison. She asked what we were doing here when Kitty explained but she sighed and said, "When we land you two are staying here while I find Logan."

-Kitty's pov-
Mr Maddison was gone for a few minutes longer than what she told us, me and Kurt went out to find her only to find Mr Logan. He was growling at us but Sabertooth walked out and said, "get them runt," and Mr Logan actually listen to him. Kurt took off with Sabertooth following him, but as I ran I saw Mr Logan was getting closer.

-Maddison's pov-
I held my head from behind from being hit but, when I sat up I heard growling and someone running till I saw Kitty being chased by Logan. This made my heart freeze because I knew Logan would never do this, I got up and shifted to my wolf form.

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