I'm Sorry, Sasuke

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Every step he took was agony.

His legs stumbled, his limp becoming more and more pronounced with each step. His eyes leaked crimson tears, as did his mouth. He fought to keep his eyes open, the blurry figures shifting and fading with each passing second.

But Itachi could see one thing, or one person rather.

His Brother.

Itachi could make out the fear in his eyes, the way his body trembled lightly at realizing that this was the end for him. The way that his coal black eyes looked at Itachi with anger, fear, but not a hint of love.

Itachi could vividly remember that fateful night. The scream of terror and sadness that left his brother's throat upon finding their parents dead. And the shock and betrayal of finding Itachi next to them. He could remember the exact world he had said to him that night.

"My foolish brother... If you want to kill me... curse me! Hate me! And live a long and unsightly life... Run away... run away... and cling to your pitiful life. And then some day, when you have the same eyes as I do, come before me." Itachi had told him.

But Itachi kept walking. He got closer and closer until he stood right in front of his younger brother. He moved his outstretched hand forward towards the younger Uchiha's face.

He could see Sasuke's fear, clear as day by now. As he waited for the end.

But it never came.

Instead of ripping out Sasuke's eyes, Itachi placed his two bloody fingers on his brother's forehead.

Sensing his younger brother's confusion, Itachi uttered his final words.

"Forgive me Sasuke, There won't be a next time."

And with that, Itachi Uchiha finally succumbed to his fate. He collapsed to the ground, fingers leaving a bloody trail on Sasuke's face. The elder Uchiha fell on his side, blank eyes meeting the sky as he rolled onto his back. The rain dripped onto his face, slowly washing away the blood until a blank face was all that was left.

Itachi Uchiha was finally dead. After living a life of bloodshed and tragedy, he would at long last rest. Falling into a slumber from which he would never awake from.

Well, not on this world at least.

AN: Hello everyone, this is my first actual non battle story! I have a lot of interesting plans for this one, and any advice is always welcome. Until next time, peace out!

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