Warrior in the Moonlight

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Beacon had been quite well so far, in Itachi's opinion. It had been several weeks since the school year had begun, and so far it had been just like Itachi had expected. Classes had been fine, although Port's was still a nightmare.

There had been that small incident involving Jaune and Cardin Winchester, the self appointed 'school bully'. He had been messing with Jaune for the first few days of their time at the academy. Both JNPR and his own teammates had obviously attempted to interfere, but Itachi wasn't sure of the exact details. He had tried to stay away from the whole situation, he didn't have time for such juvenile squabbles. It had ultimately been solved without his help, something about an Ursa in the Forever Fall Forest.

Currently, Itachi was laying on his bed reading, trying to relax after a long day of classes. Ruby, Yang, and Weiss were currently in the training room, practicing some team maneuvers. Itachi had declined joining, telling them that he was feeling a bit under the weather tonight. They had understood. Blake on the other hand had also not been feeling very well, and was currently also reading on her bed.

'Tonight seems like a good night to go out to Vale. Blake is sick, therefore her faunus senses have been dulled, making the chances of her sensing my leave much lower. And by the time the others get back, they will be exhausted. But where to go? I know there's an information broker downtown, so I suppose that's a place to start. As for cash, I'm sure my eyes will suffice.' Itachi planned out. It was about time he started gathering information on Salem and her possible allies. He had been getting more and more pained as time went on, frequently waking up in the dead of night with nightmares plaguing his mind.

He was then startled out of his thoughts by the call of Blake.

"Itachi?....Could you please get me a bottle of water?" She called out quietly. Itachi nodded at her request, getting up and walking over to the small fridge that was in their dorm kitchen. He grabbed the bottle, feeling the cold water on his skin before walking over to Blake's bed and handing her the bottle.

"Thank you Itachi." She croaked out, before taking a few large gulps of water, the cool liquid disappearing down her throat. She sighed contently, putting the bottle down on her nightstand.

"You're welcome Blake, would you like anything else?" Itachi asked his teammate. She paused, scrunching her eyes in thought before shaking her head. Itachi shined a small smile before turning back to his head, before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned back around, only to see that Blake had gotten up from her laying position, and was now sitting up on her bed. Her eyes were now wide awake as opposed to sleepy, and showed hints of nervousness and...fear?

"Yes Blake?" Itachi asked once more, looking back at his teammate.

"Um...I, um...Just wanted to ask you a question, if that's alright with you." Blake stuttered out.

Itachi raised his eyebrow at his teammates behavior, but never the less nodded at Blake's request.

"I just wanted to ask you...What are your opinions on Faunus?" Blake asked Itachi, the hints of nervousness were now on full display as she peered into Itachi's ebony eyes. He stared at her.

'So, is she finally going to reveal her little secret?  About time, the others would have found out sooner or later.' Itachi mused. He took a deep breath before beginning to speak.

"I have no particular opinion on Faunus, they are just like everyone else. They breathe the same air, bleed the same blood, and cry the same tears. Both Human and Faunus fall under the classification of people, and It is not wise to judge others based on your own preconceptions and by their appearances. Their treatment however, is despicable. The way they are treated disgusts me. To be judged and thought of differently based on something you cannot control is foolish. It is one of the things I wish to change in this world."

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