My Brother, Itachi

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For what seemed like the millionth time that day, I exhaled deeply in bed. My body cried out for rest, but I knew that I wouldn't be sleeping tonight. My blood-shot eyes drifted to the small alarm clock beside my bed.


It had only been a few hours? It had felt like an eternity. An eternity since Blake had run off. An eternity since I had gotten the call from Itachi.

An eternity since I had found my little brothers bloodied body in the harbor. I could still remember the exact look of the small, coin size hole in his abdomen. The growing puddle of blood underneath him. The many cuts and bruises littered across his body. His cold, dead eyes as he-


He wasn't dead.

He couldn't be dead.

That's what the doctor had apparently said. The short debriefing that Professor Ozpin had given us, along with what he said about Itachi's condition rang in my head.

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised about this. Most students do tend to think before they act after all." Ozpin had told her and the rest of her team when they were called into his office. Ruby didn't even want to be there, having had to be held back by both Yang and Weiss to not hop into the ambulance with Itachi, although, Yang had also thought about doing so, if the look in her eyes was any indication.

"Professor Ozpin, please. Whatever punishment you have for us can wait. Is he going to be okay?" I cut him off, almost screaming at him. Professor Goodwitch glared at me, ready to admonish me for such an action. But Professor Ozpin just raised his hand, dismissing her.

"I agree, Miss Rose. Now, due to your brother's lack of aura, his injuries were quite severe." I flinched at his words. That had been one of the many reasons I was so worried. For whatever reason, Itachi had not been blessed with aura like the rest of us. When Dad tried to unlock it on Itachi's 5th birthday, nothing had happened. I remembered Dad panicking at rushing him to someplace in Vale. They ran every test imaginable, but couldn't find anything. Eventually it was chalked up to him just having some unknown condition. But as he grew, his aura did seem to appear, slightly. It just lessened damage instead of stopping it completely.

'I understand Professor." I said quietly, my voice wavered with every word. Then Yang had put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile, but I could tell that it was forced.

"Well? How is he?" Yang asked, her usually jovial voice replaced by a serious tone, which almost never came out of her mouth. Ozpin sighed, taking a sip of his coffee before continuing.

"Mr. Rose suffered 6 broken ribs, a fractured left arm, and a bruised neck. He also had many 1st degree burns on his face, presumably from some type of gunshot. He suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his chest, some of which will scar. He also had deep lacerations on his upper left leg and right cheek, both of which required stitches, the latter will leave a scar. He also had a series of miscellaneous injuries ranging from scrapes to bullet wounds, many of which appearing to be quite old. But the worst of said injuries was the hole going through his abdomen and coming out of his lower back. Thankfully it mostly missed any vital organs, only grazing his liver slightly. It also missed his spine, which is good. However, the sheer blood-loss that he suffered would have been fatal for many. But from what I know he'll pull through, the doctors have informed me that he has already been visited by multiple professionals with healing type semblances, and most of the wounds have been wrapped and stopped bleeding."

I clenched my fist as he spoke, each description only painting a more brutal and bloody image in my head. But I let loose a sigh of relief upon the end of Professor Ozpin's explanation. But I had a feeling that he wasn't finished talking.

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