Song of Ice and Fire

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My eyes snapped open, the blanket of darkness torn away. My Sharingan gleamed with a brilliant light as it analyzed its surroundings. Upon assuring that our position had not been compromised, I couldn't help but sigh in relief. The gentle light of dawn peaking through the cracks in my boulder wall. My chest heaved with each breath, unable to intake enough oxygen to alleviate the pain. It was like a fire had been lit it my lungs, unspreading yet ever burning.

I silently reached deep into my pocket, pulling out a orange bottle. I gently unscrewed the lid, before taking out two pills. They looked the same to the untrained eye, but with my Sharingan I could see that one was a slightly duller shade of white. Confirming that I had grabbed the right ones, I popped them into my mouth, swallowing quickly.

In order to hide them from the others, I had placed all of my Fentenayl into my medicine bottle that I used for my regular pills. They looked near identical, but I could tell them apart.

I knew that the pain wouldn't completely subside into its usual dull ache. I hadn't taken my medicine before sleeping, having forgotten in my talk with Weiss. I couldn't take an extra now to compensate, during one of my checkups at Beacon, they warned me that doing so could stop me from breathing.

Lucky me.

I then registered a weight on my shoulder, and turning around abled me to see Weiss's head resting gently upon it. Her ivory hair was draped over her unscarred eye, falling over my shoulder. Her face lacked any of the cold exterior or emotionless mask I had come to expect of her, instead a neutral look of calm. Her mouth was only slightly parted, letting me hear her every breath with clarity. Streaks of smudged black ran from her eyes, her makeup having been ruined by the flood of tears from the night prior. But her face didn't betray such emotions, it looked calm and comforted, her light rose colored lips curled upwards in a blissful smile as she snuggled into my shoulder.

It was a sight that I was somewhat familiar with, whether it be Ruby or Yang. I couldn't tell you the amount of times they had fallen asleep like this on a movie night or long car ride. But those weren't the only reasons I was familiar with such a sight...

Brunette locks draped over my shoulder, rosy lips locked with mine. Her embrace was akin to the glorious sun, chasing away the clouds that hung over my head. My hand snaked its way to the back of her head, nudging her deeper into our kiss. Love was shared through two souls connected, brought together by the horrors of war. Our lips parted, a thin trail of saliva connecting them still. Her hazel eyes gazed into my own, acceptance and love making me grin like a child.

My own hands traveled her body, feeling every curve with vigor. She giggled in pleasure, giving me a trail of kissed going down my neck. I moaned quietly, making her giggle even louder. Her mouth went back up my neck and landed several more kisses on my lips, sucking every ounce of love they could out  of my pale lips. She nuzzled her face into my shoulder, her own body heat warming my heart withe ease. I stroked her auburn hair, and we stayed still for a few more minutes. She then lifted her head back up and looked me in the eye, love shining in the hazel orbs. Her smile made my heart leap for joy, beating a mile a minute.

"I love you, Itachi."

I caressed her cheek, making her blush. Her oh so beautiful, porcelain skin lit up like a Christmas tree, the small smile tugging at her lips framed the face of an angel.

"I love you too, Izumi."

No, stop.

Get out of my head.

I shook away the burning memory, letting it fade into the back of my mind. Where had that come from? I had never really dwelled on Izumi, having locked all of the memories in the darkest corner of my mind. But now wasn't the time to ponder such things. We had a mission, and I intend to complete it. A soft snore echoed throughout the cave, coming from Weiss who mumbled something incomprehensible in her sleep.

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