Lone Shinobi

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It was sunrise when Itachi arrived at his destination, a small motel that was ordinarily used to harbor huntsmen and huntresses who were going on missions in the Mistrali Forest. He had quickly shuffled out of the bullhead with nothing but the clothes on his back, sword in his hand, and the barest of essentials packed up in a bag he wore on his back. His room was small and plain, but it hardly mattered to the youngest Rose. He had no time to worry about the material.

After dropping everything he wouldn't need while he was out off in his room, he quickly made his way from the motel and into the streets. He kept only his scroll and blade on him, the former so he could prove that he was here on official business, and the latter so he could cut down his enemies.

It took about thirty minutes for the frail teen to finally leave the city proper, shuffling at as fast as a pace he could manage with his torn muscles and broken bones. The side affects of the gates still allied him greatly, making his breathing ragged and vision swim. But his heart was also beginning to experience trouble, skipping beats and burning with every other step.

Blood escaped his lips in harsh coughs multiple times, his lone uncovered eye blank and expressionless as he carried on anyway. His vision was poor, everything in front of him looking like it had been run over by the smearing filter on one of those photo editing softwares one would download on their scroll.

His every cell was in agony, like they had bee injecting with boiling oil till they had burst and flooded his insides. The Sun beat down on him as he walked, the only protection being a straw had be had bought in the city. It was like the one he had worn in the Akatsuki, fitting as that's what he felt like right now.


'Good going, Itachi. You failed your girlfriend and made your family hate you.' He frowned as he stumbled down the winding path that led to the Deathstalker nest, a near four hour long trek in his current state. He had received a few calls from Yang and Ruby while on the bullhead and walking through the city, but he didn't have the energy to face them right now. But he always at least made the effort to reject their calls instead of ignoring them.

He didn't want them thinking he was dead.

'I suppose it won't be much longer until that is a reality.' Itachi was no fool. His symptoms had been worsening by the day for months. He suspected that his illness had progressed into a form of lung cancer of tuberculosis, likely both. He would be lucky if he lived to be sixteen, let alone the rest of his time at Beacon. But he had so much to do, so much to say. So many people to love and protect.

That's why he must fix everything before it was too late.

He would save Weiss, protect his siblings and team, and stop Salem to save the world from destruction. After that, there was nothing. He knew he couldn't plan for an after. To beat Salem like he was now, he would need to give it his all. But he couldn't do that if he wanted to live afterwards.

The most dangerous man is the one with nothing left to lose.

But it was the others he didn't know what to do with. Weiss had already proclaimed that she would commit suicide if he passed, and while she had promised to be strong afterwards...he knew her words were hollow. Ruby clung to him like a lifeline, and he knew his death would leave her destroyed. Yang would blame herself, just as she had when Summer had died. He knew how much she wanted to protect him, even if it was from something she couldn't fight. And while he might not be the closest with Blake, he knew that she admired him greatly.

His father, his professors, his friends... he would have to leave them all behind.

'What...what will be next for me?'

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