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Immense Light.

That's all Itachi could see.

Noise assaulted his ears, and smells of chemicals and blood filled his nostrils. His sense of feeling was all jumbled and body cried out in pain.

But Itachi could care less about any of that. All he cared about was one thing.

'Why am I alive?'

Itachi had no idea, his mind went into overdrive trying to come to a conclusion. He was dead, right? He clearly remembered dying in his battle with Sasuke.  Yet here he was, alive as could be. But how? Not to mention his body's strange new sensations. Almost as if he was...


Was he a baby?

It all finally clicked inside of the Uchiha's head. He had been reborn. Somehow, someway. It all made sense now. The bright lights, the wetness of his body, the strange smells.

He had just been born.

Itachi slowly turned around to face the lady who had birthed him. His coal black eyes studied the woman. Her hair a deep black, turning to red at the tips. Her skin a pale white. He could make out some sort of white robe adorning her body, but what caught his attention most, were her eyes.

They were a striking silver. Gleaming with light so pure it made Itachi wince slightly. Itachi continued staring at the woman until she smiled at him.

"Aw...He's beautiful." She spoke softly.

Itachi listened to her voice, it was like silk in his ears. It made him feel just the slightest bit calm in all of his panic.

Itachi then turned his head slowly, taking in the sights of the hospital room. A doctor occupied it, obviously having just delivered him, that thought still felt a bit strange.

But what really caught his sights were the three others in the room. Two children and a man.

The first child seemed very young, 1 or 2 if Itachi had to guess. Her eyes gleamed with the silver her mother's did. In fact, the young girl looked like a carbon copy of her mother. Her face filled with wonder as she stared at him.

The second was very different. She was a bit older, 4 Itachi assumed. She had long, blonde hair that seemed to glow. Her eyes a striking violet as opposed to her sister and mother's silver. She had a big smile on her face as she watched him.

Itachi's small eyes finally drifted to the third. He was a large man in his mid twenties. He had bright yellow hair that matched his daughters, and he was quite muscular looking. Maybe a fighter? He was around 5'10 or 5'11. He had a smile on his face as well.

The man then got up and walked over to Itachi. Itachi's eyes remained glued to the man as he approached, watching his every move.

"He's adorable honey. Although, he doesn't look like me at all. You sure it's mine?" The man asked jokingly.

In response, the woman grinned at him.


The two laughed, clearly amused by their interaction.

Before anything else could be said, The doctor cleared his throat.

"Well Miss Summer Rose, it seems you have given birth to a healthy baby boy. All that's left now is a name." He told them

Itachi tensed. A name? A new name? No. He was Itachi Uchiha, and no one else.

"Hmmm, a name? How about.....Itachi, what do you think Taiyang?" Summer asked her husband.

"Itachi huh? I think it's a lovely name sweetie." Taiyang answered.

"Then Itachi it is. Alright then, if you would let us run a few tests, than you can be on your way, it will be quick" The doctor said.

"Of course." Summer responded. She handed her baby to Taiyang who led him over to the Doctor. Who then promptly left. But true to his word, he came back 15 minutes later with Itachi in his arms.

"Alright, young Itachi here seems to be fine. So you all are free to go." The doctor announced.

As the Doctor returned Itachi to Summer's arms, she smiled at Itachi.

'Well little guy, its time to go home. I'm your mommy, and I'll love you forever." Summer told Itachi.

But for the first time since his birth, tears rolled down Itachi's face. Why you may ask? The answer could only be found in Itachi's mind.

'I have no purpose here. I don't have a reason to live anymore.'

One More Chance - Naruto X RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now