Battles and Opportunities

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The ride to Vale was uneventful. The two talked during most of the trip, mostly about weapons and their schooling at Signal.

"Your so skilled, Itachi! I can never beat you!" Ruby pouted.

It was true, Itachi was top of his class at Signal Academy, having never lost a spar and made top marks on every exam. He was considered a prodigy, just like in his old life.

But that wasn't to say Ruby was weak, far from it. She was also considered one of the strongest students at Signal, and did well in spars and training exercises. Her skill combined with her weapon and speed made her a dangerous opponent.

"Maybe one day." Itachi replied with a grin.

The two continued talking until they reached their destination. The bright evening sun loomed overhead as they exited the Bullhead.

"Alright Ruby, I have to stop by the pharmacy to get my medicine, and then I need to go to the grocery store for a few items. You are free to do whatever you like, just please stay out of trouble. We will meet back here in a few hours." Itachi explained to his older sister.

Ruby's smile visible shrunk at the mention of Itachi's illness, but it quickly turned back into it's usual look.

"Alright! See you later bro, love you!" Ruby shouted as she walked away, presumably in the direction of one of the many  dust stores in Vale.

"Love you too." Itachi replied.

Itachi then turned the opposite way, and began his journey to the local pharmacy. The building was on the other side of Vale, the side with hardly any people out at this time.

As Itachi was walking to the pharmacy, he began to think about his plan's for Salem.

'I can't face her yet, I am no where near strong enough. I need to master my Mangekyou Sharingan before even attempting it. And if what I have learned from the book, her Immortality is going to be the biggest issue. The only way I can beat her is with the Totsuka Blade. But even then, I need more training. But where would I even start? I have no idea where she could be.' Itachi thought to himself.

Soon enough, Itachi entered the Pharmacy and picked up his medicine. He handed them the required money and was told to come back next month for his next bottle. After nodding, Itachi left the store and began his trek to a small Dust Shop, he quickly arrived and purchased his favored dust before leaving to head off to the grocery store.

But as Itachi was walking to the store, he noticed something odd. One of the alleyways Like, it didn't belong.

'That's strange. Could it just be the lighting? Hardly anyone ever visits this part of Vale. Hmmm, I suppose it couldn't hurt to check.'  Itachi concluded.

The young man then momentarily activated his Sharingan, blood red eyes glowing with chakra. And what he saw shocked him.

There was a young girl, maybe 2 years older than him, she had pink and brown hair. The same two colors adorned the rest of her outfit too, along with a stark white. But what really got Itachi's attention, was the slightly older woman, cuts adorning her body as tears poured down her face. Itachi looked closer, and could see an umbrella like weapon in the younger girls hands.

Itachi clenched his fist.

He hated people like her. People who killed and hurt people for their own gain.

But he wasn't about to let that happen.

In a flash, Itachi ran over to the situation, appearing at the alleyways entrance.

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