Meeting the Team

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All that encompassed his mind was darkness.

Itachi floated in a void, unable to move. His body non-existent, yet his mind and senses were in perfect order.

'What is this place?' Itachi wondered.

He looked around, but couldn't see anything. All there was, was darkness. The Void seemed to stretch on for miles, but Itachi had a feeling that his estimate wan't even scratching the surface of the scale of this place.

Itachi took a moment to assess himself, or, whatever he was. His body lacked form, yet he could still feel everything. It was a bit un-nerving, even to Itachi

'Is this some sort of illusion?' Itachi asked himself.

With no other ideas, Itachi focused for a moment before calling out into the abyss.


But nothing happened.

Itachi did nothing for a few more moments, before repeating the phrase.







Itachi was beginning to panic, he had no idea what was happening, where he even was.

'There has to be a way out of here. It seems that this is no genjutsu. The last thing I remember is using Tsukuyomi on that Beringel, and then passing out. Is this my sub-conscious?' Itachi wondered.

Before anymore thinking could be done on the matter, Itachi located a figure in the distance. It was a short boy, around 4 feet tall. No other features could be defined at the moment, for it was much to far away for Itachi to really see.

'Who is that? Are they the person that brought me here?' Itachi thought to himself. He weighed his options internally, before deciding to call out to the figure.

"Hello? Who are you?" Itachi called out into the abyss. The figure ignored him, seemingly ignorant to his presence entirely.

"Hello! Can you hear me?" Itachi called out again, much louder than before. But the mysterious being still ignored him, just standing in the distance.

"Did you bring me here! What is this place?!" Itachi screamed, and for a moment, it seemed that the figure still hadn't heard him. But after a few moments, it turned to him.

What it said made Itachi freeze. Whatever thoughts he had leaving him as ice ran through his non-existent veins. It made his heart pound and his lungs ache. It couldn't be, right?


It couldn't be.

Itachi awoke with a jump as he bit back a scream. His breath heavy in his chest as his eyes quickly focused on the dark room before him. His Sharingan active on instinct as he scanned the room for the figure.

"Itachi? Itachi! You're awake!" A familiar voice yelled.

Itachi's head snapped towards the voice, only to be met with Ruby jumping onto his bed, arms outreached and wrapping around his chest. He could hear quiet cries as she squeezed the life out of him.

"Ruby....can't....breath...." Itachi croaked out, finally calming down.

He felt the hug stop for a moment, before releasing him entirely. His sister backed up a bit to look at him, fear evident on her face.

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