The Rekia Forest

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Breakfast was good, it seemed that Ozpin had informed the villagers of our preferences in food. How he knew exactly what we all liked, I'm not too sure, but it isn't that big of a deal.

After thirty minutes, we had finished eating and were almost ready for our venture out into the dense woodlands, but, of course, Yang was still in the bathroom.

"Hurry up, Yang! We have a mission to get started!" Weiss yelled from the hall. I could hear Yang scoff in a disagreement, returning Weiss's yell with one of her own. I shake my head, we would be here at least another twenty minutes. I go to get up from my spot at the kitchen table, when a ring from my scroll sounds.

I look down to see who it was, and was slightly surprised to see that Dad was calling me. It had been a while sense I had last spoken to him, but I suppose that such a thing wasn't unwelcome. I walk from the kitchen to one of the two bedrooms, closing the door behind me to get some privacy. Without any more delay, I answer my scroll, the harsh ringing finally coming to an end.


"Hey, son. It's been a while, hasn't it?" I hear from the other end. My father's voice is as jovial as ever, but I could hear a slight undertone of seriousness in his voice.

"Indeed, it has. But I am glad to hear from you."

"I am too. So, how's Beacon treating you?"

"Beacon is good. The staff are competent and I made some friends. We're on our first mission now, actually." I tell him. A brief silence follows, but I can hear the slight exhale from over the phone.

"...That's...that's good. What do you think of your teammates?"

"Ruby and Yang are Ruby and Yang, but they are both becoming more mature. Ruby especially, I feel that she has really taken up her role as leader. My other teammates are Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna. Weiss is nice, a bit cold on the outside, but deep down, I know she cares. She's very intelligent too, and is no slouch when it comes to fighting. Blake is quiet, usually sticking to herself. But she's nice once you get to know her, she's just a bit hesitant to trust. But overall, I think my team is perfect." I tell him. It was no lie, even with all of their flaws, I wouldn't change team RWBIY for the world.

Even if I wouldn't live to see it truly prosper.

"That's good. I'm glad that your making friends."

I nod out of habit, even while knowing that he isn't here to see me. We talk a bit more, him asking me about my life at Beacon. Asking about classes, missions, students, staff. He really wanted to know everything. Even the little things, like how I felt each day, or how I found the sights.

I enter my home, sweat dripping from my brow as I walk past father. He was sitting at his desk, eyes bloodshot. No doubt from the paperwork that came with being the Head of the Uchiha Clan.


No response.


No response.


This time, all he does is grunt, motioning me away with his free hand. I sigh softly, walking past him and into my room, my Academy Graduation papers clenched tightly in my hands.

Our conversation goes on for several minutes, before a long silence once again took over the room. I could here him sigh, before he began to speak to me.

"Itachi...I...I heard about the progression of your illness."


So that's where this was going.

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