Battle Royale!

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The next day was a bore in the beginning for Itachi. The return to classes had been interesting enough, he supposed. But aside from some talk of the upcoming dance, everything had just returned to normal.

As he expected, Yang and Blake had returned in the depths of the night, being sensed by him the minute they turned down the hall to their dorm. He would have offered them a greeting, but by the sounds of their labored breathing, they had just gotten through some rather intimate activities.

He had also seen Cinder in the halls, grouped with a teen with cocoa colored skin and mint-green hair, sporting red eyes not unlike his Sharingan. Joining the two of them was another teen, a tall male with metallic gray hair and an arrogant smirk.

She had noticed him as well, offering a somewhat playful smirk of her own and a wave. He had stared at her with a straight face, before shaking his head and turning away.

Interesting indeed.

After class he had ventured out to Vale to collect his new weapon, arriving at the Blacksmith at a little past three. He had been a large man, gruff beard colored white. His hazel eyes had been amiable as he handed Itachi his weapon.

Itachi's POV

I looked down at the blade, nigh-unbreakable metal gleaming in the sunlight, so clear that I could see my reflection. I could only just barely feel it in my hand, light as a feather it was. I gave it a few experimental swings before smirking with satisfaction.

"What are you going to name it, lad?" The man suddenly spoke up, his twinkling eyes gazing down at me. I turned to face him, a grin on his face. "I know you huntsman folk always name these things, and I think it's fun to see it happen." He explained.

I hummed in understanding, looking down at my sword. Black Rose had been faithful, but I suppose it was time that the title retired. Naming of ones weapon wasn't usually something that concerned me, but Ruby would have a fit if I came back with an unnamed sword.



Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang.

That was my goal.

"I think I've got it." I spoke for the first time in several minutes, looking back up at the intrigued blacksmith. He chuckled, stroking his beard as he did so.

"Alright the, tell me what you've got." He asked, staring down at me, my empty eyes hardened, staring into his own with concealed determination.


3rd Person POV

Itachi smiled fondly at the memory, glancing down at the blade on his hip. He had yet to test it yet, but it already had the youngest Rose's favor.

He was currently in the library with Blake. The faunus girl had already been there when he had arrived to do some reading, so he took a seat across from her. Their exchanges had been short and simple during the last hour, but it was the comfortable kind.

Suddenly, Itachi's scroll pinged, as did Blake's. The two looked to each other in confusion, before slipping the device from their pockets.

'Plz come back 2 the dorm as soon as u can! I have a surprise for everyone! (◕‿◕✿) - Super-fierce leader.' He read. He cringed at Ruby's unprofessionalism, deciphering such a strange dialect had taken weeks of careful study. But still, he wondered what the surprise could be.

Itachi looked to Blake, who had a similar expression of intrigue on her face, and wordlessly, the two teens put up their books and began to walk back to their dorm room.

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