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No matter what, the sun will rise.

Vale was quiet in the early morning, the streets near empty and shops not yet open. The sky was a mesmerizing combination of colors, blues and reds mixed with purples and oranges, all originating from the rising sun which slowly climbed up the skyline. The indescribable ball of holy white light slowly moved over the horizon, its divine light healing the bleeding sky and gradually returning it to its normal light blue. Its rays pierced every window, the soft natural light gracing the beds of thousands.

One such bed was that of Itachi Rose - a hospital bed where he lay broken and beaten. His bandages and hospital gown were covered in blood, his arms hooked up to IVs and other hospital equipment. He didn't stir from the sun's gentle embrace, his breathing soft yet steady as he lay asleep in his bed.

But however gentle his rest may have looked on the surface, beneath the waves it was the exact opposite.


Itachi was drowning.

Or at least, it felt like he was. He found himself in a sea of all black, the chilling cold surrounding him and seeping into his flesh and bones. There was nothing around him but weight, an intense and heavy pressure that was crushing him from all angles. He couldn't feel pain or fatigue or any other physical phenomenon - just weight.

But the weight was enough to take up all of his senses, he could feel it, see it, taste it - it felt like he was being crushed from every angle by the weight of Remnant, like the weight of the world was resting on his shoulders.

And in a way, it was.

'How long will I remain here?' Itachi asked himself, his sense of time having long passed him. He wasn't sure how long it had been - days, weeks, months, years? He hadn't the slightest clue. He had no body in this place, no physical form or eyes to activate. He was just here, a disembodied consciousness floating in a dense, black void.

But somehow, he felt at ease. His last memories of the real world were still fresh in his mind, and he knew if he had a mouth, a light smile would be plastered upon it. He had done it, he had saved Weiss. He had split his soul and given her a piece of it, healing her injuries and allowing his icicle to wake up.

'However, this complicates things a bit. I'm sure that Weiss will notice her Curse Mark, and will ask me about it once I wake up.' In all honesty, the former shinobi hadn't really exercised any of his usual hindsight in this endeavor, having let his heart lead him throughout his quest. But now that all was said and done, what was he going to say?

'I suppose there's no harm in telling her... this isn't a secret from my old life, after all. But I don't imagine that she would be happy with me, I almost died out there.' Itachi mulled over the idea in his mind for a while, grappling with the decision of whether or not to tell his girlfriend how exactly he had saved her. He knew he could trust her, but he wasn't sure if this was a good idea.

'But that's just the act of telling her... how will it affect her?' Itachi had similarly not given much thought into how the Curse Mark would change Weiss after it healed her. Judging by Orochimaru's Curse Mark, she would likely see an increase in her physical attributes and energy output. But the real X-Factor was chakra. His soul contained trace amounts of his chakra, and he was unsure of how that would interact with Weiss' aura.

'I am unsure if her body will be able to handle having both aura and chakra... that could pose a problem in the future.' Itachi was aware that he really hadn't thought about this whole decision that much, but to him, there was nothing else he could have done. If he had not acted, Weiss would have died.

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