Darkened Memories

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The next time I opened my eyes, I was once again greeted by the infinite void. A quick assessment of the realm told me that nothing had changed since my last time being here. Well, nothing about the realm had changed.

I felt a little more real this time. I could see clearer and could feel everything with much more precision. Looking down, I realized that this was because this time, my physical body has seemed to accompany me here.

'I wonder why....No matter. This place isn't real anyway. I will return to the real world soon enough.'

Out of curiosity, I attempted to activate my Sharingan. I felt the familiar dull ache in my eyes as they glowed a harsh crimson. The world became...clearer? If that makes sense. I could see no better, even my eyes could not cut through the limitless darkness. But everything seemed to be a bit more....solid. Like if I reached out, I could take the void in my hands.

My mind then drifted to my final memories of this place, the figure, the voice. I could still hear it clear as day, its call echoing deep within my brain. Just the thought of it made me flinch.


But I shook off the thought, it hadn't been real anyway. Sasuke was back in the elemental nations, hopefully having returned to the village a hero for slaying me. But ever since being reborn, I have been thinking.

Did I do the right thing?

Of course not, obviously slaughtering my clan was a heinous crime, no good deed could ever make up for what I had done. Hell certainly awaited me, and I accepted that. But was driving Sasuke to be the hero justified?

My purpose was to kill the Uchiha clan to protect the village. Torturing Sasuke with Tsukuyomi or taunting him relentlessly with his weakness was not within those perimeters. But all I had wanted was for him to hate me, despise me. To grow strong enough to kill me, strong enough to restore honor to our clan. But was that really the right way? Controlling his life like that. I planned out every little detail of my plans for Sasuke. From the massacre of the clan to our final battle, everything that has happened in his life was because of me.

What gave me the right?

What gave me the right to control him? Sure, it was for his own safety, but I lost sight of his freedom. Perhaps I should have simply let the pieces fall where they may.

God knows that I have only made his life a living hell.

My mind drifted off into several other facets of my imagination. Waiting, hoping for something to happen. I must have floated in the void for hours, nothing of note happening during this time. The void did not change, and the figure from last time still hadn't arrived.

I sighed, perhaps I would awake soon, without a chance to see the being once more.

Yeah right, like that was ever going to happen.

And right in front of my eyes, the darkness waned. For just a split second, a sliver of light seemed to flicker, before going dim. The dim light morphed and changed shape until it vaguely resembled a human.

A very familiar human.

There in front of me stood the last Uchiha.

My brother.


He had no face, nor a body. All that could be recognized was his faint shape. He has seemed to grow up a bit from our last encounter, he now stood at around 4'6. I vaguely remembered him reaching this height about a year and a half after the massacre. It had been one of my monthly visits of Konoha, watching from the shadows just to see if he was safe.

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