Shining Beacon

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The next few days went by like a blur to Itachi. After arriving back home, he and Ruby had been smothered with hugs of worry and concern from both Yang and Taiyang.

After that, the pair explained what exactly had happened. Taiyang was proud of his kids for trying to help others, but he still hoped they didn't just jump in without hesitation.

"So, my little brother and sister are going to Beacon with me? Best day ever!" Yang had exclaimed before wrapping the two up in a hug.

The next day, Itachi noticed something rather startling. During his battle with the pink and brown haired girl, his pills had fallen out of his pocket. Upon discovering this, Itachi promptly contacted the pharmacy. But to his dismay, the earliest date he could get more was next week.

Nothing else of note really happened, and before Itachi knew it; He, Ruby, and Yang were on a Bullhead to Beacon.

Currently, Itachi was watching the view. He could see the forests and villages that scattered the planet below. To Itachi, it was mesmerizing.

"So Itachi, you ready for Beacon?" Yang suddenly asked.

Itachi briefly thought about his answer before responding.

"As ready as one can be I suppose. I have no doubt that all of us will succeed."

Yang looked happy at his answer, before frowning.

"It sucks you don't have your medicine bro. If you start feeling ill, just tell me, okay?" Yang told him seriously.

Itachi simply nodded, a slight smile on his face at his sister's concern.

With that, Yang walked over to where Ruby was standing. The two then started talking about something, Itachi couldn't hear them but by the looks of it, Yang was having a blast teasing Ruby.

The two sisters squabble ended with a blonde boy throwing up all over the both of them.

Itachi sighed as he listened to them start screaming.

'This is going to be a long ride.'  Itachi grumbled to himself.

The ride continued for a few more hours, until the airship finally began to slow down. Itachi could see Beacon in the distance, and even he was a bit surprised at the size of it.

'This place is like 10 academies put together.' Itachi mused to himself.

Soon enough, the Bullhead came to a complete stop, and began to let the many kids off of it.

Itachi walked off of the Bullhead, finding Ruby quickly. The two then located Yang and they began to wonder on to the school grounds.

"Oh! Yang look! That kid has a fire sword! And oh! look Itachi, look at that girl's spear! Oh my god all of these weapons are so cool!" Ruby squealed.

"Ruby, there just weapons. They aren't that big of a deal." Yang replied nonchalantly.

Ruby gasped in offense at her sisters words before responding.

"Just Weapons!? Weapons aren't just weapons! They are part of us, very extensions of our soul!" Ruby exclaimed.

Itachi simply sighed at his sister's antics.

'Ruby may be a bit too obsessed with weapons. Weapons are important, but so are our own bodies capability. One must hone their body and weapon before becoming a true warrior.' Itachi said to himself.

Yang then told Ruby that she had to leave, something about meeting up with some friends or something. Thus, leaving the Rose siblings alone.

The two waled around for a bit, until Ruby ran into someone.

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