We're A Team

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I awoke groggily to the sound of footsteps approaching the back of the now landed Bullhead. My shinobi training kicked in quickly, as I shuffled over to the side of the entrance, waiting for the hatch to open. It soon did, the bright morning sun made me want to squint. But I had to time for that, before anyone could notice my presence, I used the body flicker technique to dash past them in an instant, appearing a few dozen meters away.

The pain from moving at such high speeds was somewhat hampered by the feeling of fresh air filling my sickly lungs. But I still nearly fell over as my stab wound sent pulses of pain threw my body. I took a deep breath, savoring the feeling.

'Alright, I should hurry up and get inside before anyone notices my sudden appearance. Also, I shouldn't do that again, my wounds might re-open.'

I quickly speed walked into Beacons court yard, silently thanking the fact that all of the students were late risers. I entered the building, not slowing down once as marched towards my destination: The elevator.

I entered the small room, the only noise being the low hum of the lights as the elevator slowly brought me up to my destination.

Headmaster Ozpin's Office.

Eventually, I arrived. The elevator let out a quiet ding as its door parted, leaving me face to face with the man himself, who looked like he was thoroughly enjoying whatever book he was reading. He was mid-coffee sip when he heard the elevator, he slowly put down his cup, before raising his head up to face me. I could see his eyes widen for just the tiniest moment in surprise, before returning to their usual, neutral expression. He looked me over for a few moments, before sighing gently, opening his mouth to speak.

"Well, when you were reported missing from your hospital bed, this was certainly the last place I'd expect to find you, Mr. Rose." He started, his voice was calm, but I could sense the hidden undertones of inquisitiveness and just a hint of suspicion. I didn't move, trying my best to sound as stone faced as possible.

"My apologies, professor. But I had no reason to stay at the hospital." I replied. He studied me for just a bit longer, before raising his left hand towards me, beckoning me over to the chair in front of his desk.

"Sit down please, Mr. Rose. We have... much to discuss."

I nodded as I took the seat, the velvet cushion and back support contrasted the seriousness and cold tone of the room. He stared at me, and I stared back. Coal Black met Emerald Green, neither one backing down. This continued until he cleared his throat, and addressed me.

"First things first, are you okay? The injuries you sustained were...numerable. Even if you had a fully matured aura, you shouldn't have woken until at least tomorrow, let alone somehow getting all the way here. How exactly has this happened?" Ozpin's voice was soft, but I could feel the suspicion behind every word.

"I'm not entirely sure myself, but my aura was in overdrive when I awoke. I focused it to the worst of my wounds, and took some pain medication and left. I...don't like hospitals, sir. They make me uncomfortable. I walked through Vale and got on the Food Transportation Ship to Beacon." I answered. It was mostly true, except it was chakra, not aura. He listened to my words, carefully looking for any flaws in my story. But I suppose he found it acceptable, as he nodded.

"I understand. I myself am not particularly fond of Hospitals. But still, walking all the way from Vale Hospital to the Airport is no easy task, especially for someone with your...issues." Ozpin said. I understood his skepticism, most people couldn't even walk from the hospital to the airport. Let alone while suffering from whatever sort of broken bones and torn muscles I had.

"I have a particularly high pain tolerance, and besides..."

I stared Sasuke down as he stood atop the Uchiha Hideout. The sky rumbled with the roars of thunder. Each sonic-boom seemed in tandem with my agonizing breaths. Each and every inhale or exhale set my lungs ablaze. I could barely make anything out. With my near-blinded eyes. My heart throbbed in pain as realized what he was doing. I could see him start to speak, but my ears couldn't make out the words. All but one at least.

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