My Son, Itachi

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Summer's POV

It's been 4 years since my son was born, and he's always been a bit...different.

Not that I loved him any less, Of course not. He was still my sweet little angel, but he wasn't like Ruby or Yang. Not because he was a boy, no. He's just so...quiet.

When I had Ruby, she was always yelling, crying, or laughing. Taiyang and I almost never slept because of her. And although I didn't birth Yang, I knew she was a handful sometimes...most of the time. But Itachi was the exact opposite.

He hardly ever talks to me or Taiyang. He rarely plays with the girls either. He never cries or whines, and he always behaves. I've never seen him act out, ever.

But I know he loves us. The way he smiles lightly at Ruby and Yang as they play. Or the way he listens as I read stories. He cares about us, but I just think he has a hard time showing it.

I yawn as I wake up. Stretching as I get out of bed. I giggle at Taiyang's snores and then leave the room to wake up the kids.

I gently open the door to Itachi's room, and as I expected, he's wide awake, reading a history book. This happens everyday. I always walk in to find him either reading or looking out of the window. In fact, he loves reading. Everyday he's got into some book, and all of them are well above his reading level. Itachi's always been quite smart though, so I was sure he knew what they were about.

"Good morning sweetie, sleep well?" I ask quietly.

"Yes mother." Itachi responds quietly.

"That's good to hear, I'll be starting breakfast soon. Would you like to help me?" I ask, but i already knew the answer.

Itachi smiled softly and responded.

"Yes please."

I giggle. If there's something Itachi loves more than reading it's helping. He always tries to help anyone anyway he can. Whether its helping me cook, Helping Taiyang outside, or reading with Ruby and Yang. Itachi will always help someone if he can. I think its great that he's so kind, but its still a bit weird that a 4 year old could be so selfless.

"Well come on then. Let's get started." I tell him as I turn to leave.

I hear the bed creak as Itachi get's up to join me.

I wake up the other 2, hearing their laughs and seeing their smiles warms my heart every time.

When I get to the kitchen, Itachi's already there, getting out the pots and pan, I see the ingredients already out on the table. I sigh, Itachi always started right away.

As we cook, I watch Ruby and Yang. They were currently engaged in a game of Hunter's and Huntresses. I laugh at their made up semblances and weapons as I crack the eggs.

My eyes then turn to Itachi, who was wordlessly watching a pancake fry up on its first side. His eyes were blank, and he seemed deep in thought.

In fact, he was always deep in thought. There was never a time he looked relaxed or contempt. He was always thinking about something, and every time I asked he simply brushed it off. It was staring to get a bit frustrating, but it made me think: What was he always thinking about?

"Watcha thinking about Itachi?" I ask, but I didn't expect an answer.

Itachi paused in his stare down with the pancake and turned to me.

"Nothing mother." He said. He then turned back to the pan, flipping the pancake as he did so.

I stare at him for a bit, before eventually sighing and turning back to my pan.

An uncomfortable silence overtook the kitchen. The silence was only broken by the laughter of Ruby and Yang.

 I wait a few more minutes before turning to my son once more.

"I love you Itachi." I say to him.

If one were to look closely, they could see the his mouth quickly form into a frown, before turning to a smile.

"I love you too mother." He responds quietly.

The rest of the morning was uneventful. We finished cooking and I called Taiyang down for breakfast. We ate as a family, laughing and joking. But Itachi only joined in when asked. Eventually Taiyang got up from his chair and gave me a quick kiss.

"Alright honey, I've got to get to Signal, see you tonight." He tells me with a smile.

"Alright, love you." I respond.

"Love you too he yells as he leaves the room, giving each of our children a hug goodbye, before he walks out of the door.

Ruby then asks Itachi if he would play with her outside. To which Itachi responds with a yes. She laughs happily and runs over to hug him before racing outside. Itachi stands still for a moment before following, the door shutting behind him with a quite thump.

Yang goes over to the couch to watch some television, My eyes linger on the door for a moment. Although rarely joining in on his own, Itachi would always play with Ruby or Yang when asked. It didn't matter what he was doing, or when. It was like he felt some sort of obligation to. Which on one hand was very sweet, but on the other hand a bit strange.

But eventually I sit on the couch with Yang, opting to watch some television with her before going outside to join Ruby and Itachi.

After some cartoon that Yang was watching ended, the commercial break started. I wasn't really paying attention until something caught my eye.

"Looking for some fun for the whole family?" A voice suddenly asked from the TV.

That got my attention, fun for the whole family? We sure needed that.

"Well look no further than the Vale Museum! Opening next Friday in the center of town!" The voice continues.

Vale Museum? That was perfect! The girls were willing to go anywhere as long as it was fun. And this seemed like something Itachi might like. This was a perfect opportunity to open him up a bit. Maybe even see what's always bothering him.

I smiled, this was going to be great!

AN: Hi guys. This is my first ever First Person POV chapter, so tell me how I did. Next time, Itachi will be the main focus again. Please comment any thoughts or ideas below. Also, thanks for over 40 reads for this story! It really means the world to me. Until next time, peace out!

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