Entrance Exam Part One

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It was early in the morning when Itachi awoke. His eyes strained as he sat up. He rubbed his tired eyes before letting out a quiet yawn.

'This isn't good. I feel even worse than last night. I'll have to be careful not to exert myself too much today.' Itachi thought to himself.

The tired Uchiha then got up from his sitting position, and went to prepare himself for the day. He quickly went into the bathroom to take care of his business, and then came out. He then began to do some light stretches.

While he was stretching, he slowly analyzed the room. Around one third of the kids had already gotten up. Most were simply talking to friends, while a few seemed to be also preparing; whether laying out a plan or stretching like himself.

Soon enough, he finished his morning exercises. Itachi then decided to just go and grab his weapon already. From what the other students were doing, it seemed the exam was going to begin soon.

'Alright. I need to take it easy. I'll try to not activate my Sharingan, and only use my Sword. I should also prioritize avoiding Grimm. From what I've heard, there seems to be some sort of partner system. It would be beneficial if Ruby or Yang were to be my partner. But Weiss or Blake could also work. But it's not that big of a deal.' Itachi contemplated.

As Itachi walked into the locker hallways, he spotted Ruby and Yang talking to each other. Itachi grinned as he walked over to his siblings, steps as quiet as a mouse.

"Well, you seem awfully chipper this morning." Yang told Ruby with a questioning look on her face.

"Yep! No more awkward small talk or getting to know you stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." Ruby answered the unasked question while she stroked Crescent Rose.


"AHHHH!!!" Ruby squealed as she jumped nearly a foot before turning around, weapon aimed at whoever dare attack her while her back was tur...........


It was Itachi.

"Itachi!! You scared me!" Ruby pouted as her younger brother let out a quiet laugh.

"Sorry Ruby, but you make it too easy." Itachi told his sister.

Ruby grumbled for a bit before her smile returned to her.

"But anyway, Soon; It will just be me and my baby, slaughtering Grimm and being awesome! I don't need anyone to help me do that!" Ruby yelled.

Itachi frowned as he stood analyzing his sister for a few seconds, before ultimately deciding he had something to say.

"Ruby, while I admire your confidence, I'm afraid that mind set won't get you very far. Remember: However strong you become, never seek to bear everything alone. If you do, failure is certain." Itachi reminded his sister.

Ruby didn't say anything for a few moments before sighing.

"I know...It's just hard for me to make friends with people. What if they don't like me? What I mess up and everyone hates me? What if I fail the exam and get kicked out of Beacon then become homeless and then..." Ruby replied. Her voice grew more and more intense with each word. Her head in her hands as she began to panic.


Ruby then felt two fingers on her forehead. She looked up to see her brother smiling down at her with his calming, wise eyes.

"Don't worry Ruby. Everything is going to turn out fine. And if one of us does make a mistake, then the other will be there to help them. We're in this together, okay?" Itachi told Ruby as he wrapped his arms around her.

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