The Hole In My Soul

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Volcan was breathtaking, Itachi had decided. It was a small village, much smaller than even Konoha. But it gave it a sort of simplistic charm reminded him of back home. The houses were small and basic looking, mostly just one-story stone buildings with the occasional tower. The walls were made of wood, even if crafted well. There was a single CCTS tower in the center of the village, which eclipsed the other buildings in height by at least 20 meters.

He could have spent hours admiring the simple yet cozy architecture from the edge of the forest, but the youngest Rose had no time to waste. His girlfriend was counting on him, and he had no time for nostalgia.

'Aine is likely in hiding, if he profile is anything to go by. I may have to do a bit of searching.' Itachi mused to himself as he approached the village gate. Immediately, the two guards out front pointed their spears at him, which Itachi noted were gun-shift weapons. It seemed that even this far from civilization, the advanced technology of Remnant still reached.

To be honest, Itachi hadn't even been able to make out the guards until he was just a few steps away from them, his one unbandaged eye only making out vague shapes and blobs. He stopped just a few meters from the gate, unflinchingly staring down the barrel of the two spear-guns.

"State your business, traveler." One of the men proclaimed with a loud and stern tone of voice. His clothing was simple and plain, a green tunic and black boots along with the same color fingerless gloves. His hair was blond and short, with green eyes that matched his clothes. His weapon was mostly the same greens and blacks and his outfit, and seemed to be crafted decently well. His skin was tan and sported a few scars, and he seemed quite muscular to boot. His eyes were narrowed at Itachi, who didn't answer for several seconds before he eventually responded.

"I'm here to see the one known as Aine. I am in need of her services." There was no point in beating around the bush here, lest he waste time when she wasn't even here. He knew that these men would know Aine if she lived here, for the village was far too small to have two civilians not know of each other. And it seemed that his suspicions were correct. Both men's eyes widened just a tad, before the one who had spoken before continued cautiously.

"And what business do you have with her?" Itachi's face remained impassive as stone at the question, black eye peering into the man's soul with a cold indifference.

"That is none of your concern. But know that I have no ill intentions, I merely have a request for her." As he finished his sentence, he felt an involuntary pain well up in his chest. Moments later, a shower of blood escaped his lips in a sickening cough, decorating the green grass below. It was at this that the two men finally seemed to acknowledge Itachi's worn down appearance, as they began to chatter amongst themselves quietly. Itachi could have easily tuned in to their conversation by amplifying his senses with chakra, but he knew that he couldn't afford to expend any more energy.

It only took a few moments of discussion before the other guard turned to face Itachi, his face suspicious as he opened his mouth to speak. This one was of a similar height and frame to the first man, but his skin was much darker and hair styled in dreads. His eyes were a deep blue and he was dressed in a dark gray tunic with similarly dark boots and gloves.

"Alright, stranger. Just stand by for a moment while I make sure of your truthfulness." The man took a step forward, which turned into two, which soon became a short walk over to Itachi's position. The former ANBU captain was cautious, yet let the man put a hand on his shoulder and close his eyes. Itachi watched as a blue glow surrounded the both of them, and he felt a foreign presence probe at his mind. Now, he could have easily repelled the mental connection, his Sharingan granting hims many mental blocks and protections, but he knew that this man's intentions were noble, judging on his aura. So he let the man read him, at least, just his general intent. After a few moments, Itachi watched the man open his eyes, which were now much warmer and accepting than before.

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