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Standing in a forest by the town, Jiraiya tossed a water balloon to Naruto.  "Here, take this."

"What the heck is this?"Naruto questioned.

"Just think about, you saw the jutsu I performed right? How would you describe it?"Jiraiya asked. Naruto pondered for a moment. He's taking a while to answer that.

"You sent that guy spinning like a pin wheel."Naruto replied. By the look on Jiraiya's face, I'm guessing that isn't the answer he's looking for?  The water in the balloon started to move, poking through the sides but not hard enough to pop it.

"Good. There you go. Spinning." The balloon popped. "With the tree climbing exercise, you learned to gather and maintain chakra. With the water walking exercise, you learned to release a steady amount of it. Both of these you mastered correct? With the water balloon exercise, you'll learn to create a stream of chakra, spinning it."

"I'm suppose to create a stream of chakra?"

"Don't worry, I'll go into more detail on how the jutsu works once you've gotten a hang of the basics. First, gather the chakra in your hand using the tree climbing technique. Then, release a steady stream of it using the walk on water technique and finally use the chakra to push and churn the water inside balloon."

"Oh! Wait a second, I get it! So what you're aiming for is to turn the water inside the balloon til it eventually pops!"Naruto exclaimed.

"That's it, kid. You're starting to catch on quicker!"Jiraiya praised. "We'll train til the sun goes down!" I decided to sit on the ground, cross legged and watched Naruto as he tried to master the jutsu.

"Any second now!"Naruto grinned. "Look! The water is spinning! It's going to be even easier than I thought to get this balloon to burst!"

"Good. Let me know when you've done it."Jiraiya said. "Meanwhile, I'll just get comfortable." He sat on the ground and leaned his back against a tree.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"Naruto yelled.

"I might as well get some sleep while I'm waiting," Jiraiya took out a jar. That's sake, isn't it? "This stuff helps me sleep."he said as he began gulping down the alcohol. What a drunkard.

"Don't get too comfortable; this won't take long,"Naruto assured. "I'll have this down before you close your eyes, you lazy old buzzard."


By the time it was sunset, Naruto still hadn't popped the balloon and Jiraiya finished three jars of sake. He fell fast asleep while I was beginning to get drowsy. My eyes were closing once in a while but I would find a way to keep myself up. "Naruto, didn't you say you would have this done before he was asleep? I mean, its already sun down and Master Jiraiya is snoring."I commented, yawning right after.

"WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO?!"he shouted, waking Jiraiya up.

"Well, did you do it?"Jiraiya asked. Naruto quickly got nervous, trying to find an excuse.

"Well, not quite but I'm really close so I'm almost there!"Naruto lied. Jiraiya sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "Come on, how do I do it? How do I get it to burst?!"

"Like I said before, you won't know how it's done until you've done it." That made Naruto immediately frown and Jiraiya chuckled.  "However, in your case even though ideally you're suppose to master this jutsu by yourself through trial and error, maybe I'll give you a small hint to put you on the right path. Get the water in the balloon spinning again. Which direction are you making the water rotate? Left or right?"

"To the left I guess."Naruto answered, confused by the question.

"Now walk over here to me." Naruto did as he was told. Jiraiya placed his hand on top of Naruto's head. "Hmmm. I thought as much. You're actually a right rotation type. You got your chakra working against itself. A good way to build up chakra in the body is to rotate it like a spring. Whether it's left or right depends on the individual,"he carefully explained. "Some people are left rotation, others are right. If you're spinning the water in the balloon in the opposite direction from your natural rotation type, your chakra is just counteracting itself.  No wonder you're having trouble." I've never heard of that before. Left or right rotation type? Maybe I did learn it but I forgot?  "It's something most ninja in training figure out by themselves."

Kakashi's Daughter! Book One: The Struggles of Becoming A Ninja!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon