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Picture with the chapter is how I kinda imagine Shiori's mom, Shiemi. Her bangs are little bit more parted though

update 10/11/20: theres like 200 comments on a specific section and all im gonna say is you guys are so dirty minded goodbye-

For the rest of the week, we completed D-ranked missions. That was so boring! I didn't train at the academy to do people's chores. If I complained to my Dad, he would only just tell me that it's important for genin to complete basic missions. The lecture would never end.

On one of the days we were completing D-ranks, we had to find some stupid cat. Sure I like cats but this cat was such a bother. Do I need to explain? I rather not remember all that.

"Sasuke. I'm at point B." He spoke into his communicator.

"Sakura, at point C."

"Naruto, I'm at point A, believe it!"

"Shiori at point D."

"Okay Squad 7, target has moved! Follow it! What's your distance?"Dad asked.

"5 meters. I'm ready. Just give the signal."

"I'm ready too."

"So am I."

"Yes sir."

"Okay...Now!" Naruto pounced on top of  the cat and caught it but it immediately started clawing at his face. You can tell why I didn't like that cat. We went through so much trouble to find it but it was so ungrateful. "Hey! Stop!"

"It's the missing cat, Dad."I informed as I walked over and, easily pulled the cat off of Naruto. "Wow, it really had its claws in you.." It hissed angrily in my arms so I bonked it on the head. "Down kitty."

"Lost pet Torra, captured. Mission accomplished!"Dad announced.

"CAN'T WE GET A BETTER MISSION THEN THIS?! I HATE CATS!" Naruto shouted into his wireless.

"Naruto, you'll mess up my Dad's hearing."I muttered. "But you're right."


We returned Tora to its owner and she almost squeezed it to death. No wonder it ran away. I can feel sympathy for that stupid cat. Once we were finished dealing with that, we reported to Lord Hokage.

"Now for Team 7's next available tasks. Among them, babysitting the chief councilor's three year old, helping his wife to do the shopping, digging up potatoes.."Lord Third read out.

We only help out in errands.. Ugh. I'm pretty sure we were taught to be assassins.. I understand this is to help us grow and learn responsibility but it's so boring. I want something a little more challenging.


"That's the truth!"I spoke up. "All these missions suck!" Dad instantly threw me a scolding look. "Don't give me that look of judgment cause you know it's true!"

"How dare you?! You're just a brand new genin with no experience!"Iruka shouted, standing up from his seat. "Like everyone else, you start with simple missions to level your skills and show yourself!"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Baby sitting is not a mission! It's a stupid-" Dad whacked Naruto on the back of the head to shut him up.

"Will you put a lid on it?"Dad asked.

"Naruto!" The Hokage began to lecture us  again. "It seems you do not seem to understand the tasks you have been given. Listen, many different kinds of requests come into our village everyday. From babysitting to assassination. These requests are carefully recorded, analyzed and ranked A, B, C or D. Depending on their difficulty. We ninja are also ranked by ability. Hokage is at top, then Jonin, Chunin and genin at the bottom."

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