Character Profile

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Reminder: I aged up Kakashi slightly in this story so he isn't 15 when Shiori was born

NAME: Shiori Hatake (はたけ しおり Hatake Shiori)

*the way her name "Shiori" is written means Bookmark* 


Birthdate: August 4

Appearance: Shiori has onyx eyes and silver-gray hair that reaches past her shoulders. She wears a purple  top with a fish net shirt underneath and black, baggy ninja pants. On the sides of her pants, she carries weapon pouches. Like her father, she wears black, finger less gloves and blue shinobi sandals. Her headband is around her forehead but is covered by her unruly bangs.

She bears a strong resemblance to her mother Shiemi. (Okay, This is NOT a reference to Blue Exorcist or the character Shiemi Moriyama. I just like the name, that's all. It's pretty.)

Rank: Genin

Affiliation: Konohagakure

Academy Graduation Age: 12

Blood Type: A

Team: Team 7

Kakashi Hatake (Father)
Shiemi (Mother)

Likes: her dad, sweets, rice balls (onigiri), Dango, Team 7, Naruto, Sasuke (eventually ;p) training and reading

Dislikes: spicy food, Perverts, Icha Icha Paradise, getting insulted, anyone who hurts those close to her,

Personality: She's a bit short tempered, sarcastic and snarky but can also be kind hearted and understanding

*Japanese Voice Actress: Mikako Komatsu

English Voice Actress: Aimee Carrero

(I added this for fun if she was in the anime, this is who would voice her so you can get an idea of how she would sound like.)

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