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(I hope these next chapters don't bore u since they don't focus on Shiori as much. They focus more on Naruto and Sasuke but hey, they are linked to Shiori. I hope you enjoy and vote if you liked it and hey, I don't want purely romance in this.)
Btw, did you read the last chapter of naruto?! I was in tears man, in tears ;^;. I was pretty satisfied with the couples accept one. I'n not gonna spoil so go read for yourself and find out :)

The crowd cheered for us as we stood facing them. I looked nervously around. Hopefully Sasuke gets here or else they might disqualify him. I know I should worry more for myself but I can't help it. 

"Welcome all."Lord Hokage said. "And all our deepest thanks for coming here to the village hidden in the leaves for this year's Chunin Selection. We have come to the final competition between 9 candidates that made it through the preliminaries. We ask no one leaves until all the matches have been completed. Now everyone, enjoy."

"There's one more thing before we get started,"Genma said. "Look it over." He took out a paper showing the matches. "There has been a slight change in the match ups but now its set so everyone take one last look on who you'll be facing." .

....I'm still fighting Gaara...damn it..He's terrifying.

"Uh, question." Naruto rose his hand. "Question,"Naruto repeated.

"What is it?"

"I was just wondering what will happen to Sasuke if he doesn't show up?"

"If a candidate is not here in the arena at the time his name is called, he forfeits the match,"Genma replied.

"That's not good.."I whispered to Naruto. "Sasuke better hurry up and drag his butt here."

"Alright, listen up. The terrain is different but the rules are the same as before. That is that there are no rules. The match continues until one candidate acknowledges defeat or dies. That being said, if I determine that a match is over, no arguments are permitted, understood? These are the opponents for the first match: Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuga. Those two stay, the rest of you go to the waiting area." With that, everyone started to walk out.

"Naruto.." I gave him a quick hug. "Good luck.."I smiled before walking up to let the match begin.

"You've got something to say to me?"Neji asked Naruto. Naruto held out his fist.

"Only what I told you the last time...I vow to win!" Neji activated his Byakugan and glared at Naruto.

"I can't wait to see the look of despair on your face when you learn that your foolish vow is impossible to keep!"

"Are we going to stand here talking all day...? Let's get going! Show me what you got!" The two of them stood looking at each other for a while, not making a move. "Alright!"

Naruto threw kunai and threw a punch but Neji dodged each one or blocked them. Neji then threw a hit, striking him. He struck him again but on the shoulder. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" A jonin leveled jutsu can beat even a strong guy like Neji. Naruto is practically becoming a master at it. "Hey! Don't ever..don't ever...I mean never...Count.Me.Out!" The clones headed towards Neji and one kicked near his face. "This guy..!" Neji began to beat all the Shadow Clones.

"You thought you could become Hokage? It's absurd..Never! These eyes of mine show me many things. One thing they've shown me..people's limitations are set, fixed and unchangeable. Only a fool wastes his time trying to be something he can never be."Neji spat.

"A fool, huh? Not this crap again! Who are you to judge what a person can or can't do?!"

"Do you think anyone can be Hokage?"Neji asked. "..That all it takes is a little hard work? Open your eyes! Of all the shinobi in the world, think how few ever become Hokage. They were born destined to become Hokage! You are chosen by destiny. Each person is given his own path to follow and he must follow it. There is only one destiny we all share equally...Death."

Kakashi's Daughter! Book One: The Struggles of Becoming A Ninja!Where stories live. Discover now